Chapter 8: Expectations and Decisions

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—2 Months Later—

The months flew by and Gwen checked her calendar again.

She discovered she was now a little over 7 and the half months pregnant.

—Setting: Gwen's apartment; at 3:00 PM—

Gwen stared at her reflection in the mirror and rubbed her abdomen.

"My tummy has gotten a lot bigger the past two months and I'm sure it won't be long before I go into labor." Gwen thought to herself.

"Although I have been pregnant for a while, I don't want a baby shower because it might cause too much trouble."

"I'm just glad I didn't suffer a miscarriage."

—3:10 PM—

Trent came to visit Gwen and checked on her.

"How are things going on between you and our baby right now, and does your doctor know when it's going to be born?" Trent asked.

"Our baby is okay, but I'm still occasionally experiencing discomfort. It has almost been 8 months and my doctor says the baby will be born around 3 to 4 weeks from now." Gwen replied.

Gwen felt her baby kick from the inside.

"Oww!" Gwen screamed.

"That would be one example of discomfort." she explained.

Trent put his hand on Gwen's abdomen where the baby kicked.

"I can feel the baby moving in there." Trent said to her.

"I think she's developing well; despite my discomfort." Gwen remarked.

"It appears so. I'm sure our baby will be born healthy." Trent thought.

—Scene at the mall; around 5:30-6:00 PM—

Gwen spent time at the mall with Trent that evening shopping for supplies that her baby would need.

"Most of these items are expensive, but I know they're required." Gwen thought.

She and Trent picked out a crib and changing table that could be mailed to their apartments, and smaller items that could be carried by hand.

Half an hour passed and they checked out.

—6:20 PM—

Trent and Gwen spent an hour at the mall café for a romantic dinner before heading back to their apartments.

—Scene at Trent's apartment; at 7:30 PM—

Gwen decided to stay overnight with Trent again later that evening instead of staying at her apartment.

She felt closer to him over the past months and thought she should discuss further plans with him.

"Trent, we have been a couple for over 4 years and I think it's time the two of us should live together." Gwen said to Trent.

"I agree with that." Trent replied to her.

"Are you saying you want to move in with me?" he asked.

"Yes, I want to move in with you either before or after our baby is born." Gwen responded.

"That sounds great. We will need help from our parents to move you in." Trent said passionately.

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