Chapter 6: It's a girl? Is it still a secret?

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—4 Months Later—

Several months had passed since Gwen found out she was pregnant.

She was now around five months in gestation.

—Setting: Gwen's apartment; at 2:30 PM—

"I've endured discomfort for a few months and I'm a little over halfway there." Gwen thought as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"I hope my baby is still healthy."

Gwen checked her calendar.

"I'm currently on my fifth month. I should probably see my doctor again; but I need to call Trent first." she thought to herself again.

She then dialed Trent's number.

—Cut to scene at Trent's apartment—

Trent picked up his phone to talk to Gwen.

"Hi Gwen, how are you and our baby doing?" Trent asked her.

"I think most things are fine so far." Gwen replied.

"Sounds good." Trent responded.

"I'm planning to go for an ultrasound. Can you come with me?" Gwen asked.

"I sure can." Trent replied

"Alright. Meet me at my apartment around 2 hours from now so we can go together." Gwen said before she hung up her phone.

The phone call ended.

—Scene at Gwen's apartment; at 4:30 PM—

Gwen prepared to leave for her appointment as soon as Trent met up with her.

"I'm glad you could come along." Gwen said to Trent.

"We're going to be a family and I don't want to miss out on something important between us." Trent replied to her.

—Scene at the clinic; at 5:00 PM—

"I hope I don't have to go through other procedures besides the ultrasound this evening." Gwen thought while she and Trent were in the waiting room.

Her doctor called her in a moment later.

Gwen's doctor scanned her abdomen. A sonogram appeared on the screen.

"How's my baby so far, is it still in good health?" Gwen asked her doctor.

"I believe it's fine and developing well." her doctor replied.

"That's a relief." Gwen responded.

"By any chance can the baby's gender be determined?" Gwen asked again.

"Let me have another look." her doctor said while examining the image on the screen.

Trent glanced at the sonogram.

"I'm no expert, but it looks like Gwen and I are having a girl." Trent guessed.

"It may be a wild guess, but I think you're right." Gwen's doctor told Trent.

"So it is most likely to be a girl." Gwen thought.

"I wonder what name we should give her."

—5:50 PM—

Gwen and Trent returned to their apartments later that evening.

They spoke to each other on the phone for a few minutes and then hung up.

—Scene at Gwen's apartment; at 7:15 PM—

Gwen stared at her reflection in the mirror for the second time that day.

"I've kept this hidden from most of the former contestants for a while now. Only my close friends, family, and Trent's family know about this." Gwen thought to herself.

"Should I let the others know?"

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