chapter 1

370 11 4

It was a normal day in London , I was sitting with my friends in our house I live with three girls they are my best friends , they were amazing to me but people see us as crazy gang we are named the crazy gang I was the youngest one I was 20, Missy was the oldest she was 22, both Sisi and Rose were 21 , we live our life the way we see it. In the morning we go to university and at night we party .

We were hot girls Missy and Rose were blonde , skinny and have a perfect skin they were the hottest in the whole campus while Rose was a super cute burnett girl . I was also beautiful I have a brown long hair and it was so long all people recognise me by my hair . we were popular girls , Missy and Sisi had boyfriends while me and Rose were single .

We were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast when we heard a loud  noises outside so I decided to go out to see , I saw alot of guys in the next house fixing the house and there is a furniture car parking outside I didn't care and went back inside it was so early in the morning so I went to the girls to tell them there is new neighbours  transferring to the next house.

"I wish we get a hot boys this time" Sisi said , I rolled my eyes and tell her "even that they will hate us nobody liked living next to us ". then all of us sighed.

"come on girls we need to hurry or we will be late ..... again" Rose said , as we all stand up from the table and went to our rooms to change , I went to my wardrobe to see what to wear I put on a pink long skirt with a topless short black shirt with black heels yeah we are not allowed to were converse or any shoes without heels it's kind of one from alot of rules that we made , then I went to my beauty table with make-up and nails paint colours and perfume , so I straighted my hair and put light make-up and pink paint nail and of course my favourite perfume and went out by the car waiting for the girls , when a man came to me and say "hi sweety do you live here",

''erm yes I live here'' I answered with a confused look ,

while he smiled to me and said ''cool my boys will live next to you , I hope you don't like calmness?''

"oh, believe me we don't " I said with a smile then he laughed

"so I guess it's the perfect place for them",

then the girls finally came out when I yelled "Finally" they just rolled their eyes to me when the man laughed then he sid "so what's your name darling ?" I said Anita but u can call me Annie then when the girls get in the car I said to him "I need to go now bye" , " see you later Annie " the man said

I get in the car with the girls and missy was driving while we were singing our favourite song we own the night by our fantastic idols THE WANTED , we need to listen to 4 song to get to the campus so everyone of us get to choose a song I always choose THE WANTED songs , I was the craziest fan for them I always attend their concerts in london but never met them face to face . we finally parked and went out of the car , I was studying fashion designing , Missy was studying history, both Rose and Sisi were studying literature . but like usual days we go to the small café in campus to get tea and coffee before classes and that's where we usually get late we spent the time by gossip and chatting , all of our friends sit there at our usual table , there was Adam , Chris 'Missy's boyfriend' , Alena , Justin and Leo' Sisi's boyfriend.

as for me I don't like them all but because of the girls I'm stuck to be friends with them .

after finishing our hot drinks we head to our classes we spent 3 hours then we are done . so after finishing classes we gather in the same café to chat then we get back home , this time leo decided to come with us to our house , we get in missy's car and went home , when we get home we were surprised to see a tour bus in front of our neighbours house and guess whose picture was on it "Omg it's THE WANTED" I yelled and get out of the car quickly , as the girls do the same I was in shock this isn't happening even in my wildest dream I never imagined that, the girls looked at me I was in shock they came to hug me when I said

"punch me to know that is really happening"

I got a super harsh punch from sisi that made me realise I wasn't dreaming we stand looking at the van waiting for them to get out of it but no no one get out so sisi was impatient she went to the bus and asked the driver then she came to us sadly "they are in the house already" I get disappointed

" ugh I missed my chance...... again" I whispered to them and we get in the house .

we went to our bedrooms to get changed and have a nap till 6 o'clock , then at 8 o'clock we have to go to the party as I said everyday there was a party .

in the middle of the nap I woke up to hear the door belt ringing ughh I hate these idiot salesmen they always come in this time , I know the girls will never bother to get the door so I need to get it I was looking awful I didn't wipe out my make-up and I was wearing my sleeping pyjamas that have SpongeBob all over it , I was wiping my eyes when I opened the doors to see Jay at the door with a big smile on his face

"hi sweety I'm Jay McGuiness I'm your new neighbour "

I stand there in shock I don't know what to say

"hi im Anita but you can call me annie " I managed to say . he shocked his hands with mine but I didn't know what to do .

when sisi came to the door and yelled "it's Jay, girls" ,

he smiled to her as she grab his hand and get him to the house . he sit in the living room with us as missy brought him a cup of tea and they all sit next to him while me I was just shocked to see him , I was basically staring at him in shock when he said "so girls are you fans of us?" sisi yelled " we attended every concert of yours in london we adore you guys especially Ann here she had a big crush on your bandmate max she adore him " she stoped with I glared at her .

what made jay laugh at my reaction then he said "well , I came to you girls for a reason , me and the guys are planning to make a party and Nano told us that our neighbours are hot girls always make the biggest party and we don't know anyone yet so we need you to help us " that was enough to sisi to say we will plan your party just tell us when?" while me and the girls nodded he said " well on the weekend which give you 4 days to plan it" rose said " we are on it mate we will come to your house tomorrow to get to details and see what are we dealing with" he noded his head and stand up "well , I'm glad to talk to you girls , I will see you tomorrow " then he went to the door and wave good bye to us

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now