Chapter 22

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Ann's POV

I was sitting in the couch waiting for Nick to arrive , I couldn't go to the airport, because I'm sick I have bad flu, it's just started last night I was ok, I heard the sound of the key, I stand up to meet him, Nick entered with an angry look.

Nick : " how dare you do this to me, you ruind my life?!", he shouted, 

Me : " what did I do", I said before he pulled my hair in his hand make me scream in pain, then he pushed me to the floor hard, he grab the remote and turn the TV , there was news about The wanted,  he grab me by my hair to the Tv, I saw a pic of me and Max in bed , it was the pictures from our last day together.

Nick : " explain it to me you bitch, they are new, and in our bed, how dare you, I treated you like a queen but you treated me like an idiot,  and your precious Max post your pictures with him, just to gain more attention,  Ann, you never loved me", as I saw tears in his eyes.

Me : " I'm sorry Nick, it was just a weak moment,  I love you Nick, I really do, but I still love him, he is my first love", as he came closer to me.

Nick : " stop talking about him, he is using you for....... you know sleeping with you, and you let him", he shouted and grab my wrists so tight in his hands.

Me : " you are hurting me"

Nick :"Ann, you ruind my reputation,  what do you want me to do kiss you, I will make you regret it "

Me : " leave me alone", I yelled before Emily comes out of her room towards me,

Emily:"what's happening Ann ?"

Nick : " leave us alone, go to your room", he shouted what made Emily cry and run to her room.

he grab me by my hair to the room and closed the door , he began to hit me on the stomach , before he tore my clothes off and bite my hands with all force , I was screaming but with no use, then he raped me , then he went out of the room and locked me in.

I was sitting on the bed crying,  I didn't expect this from him, I know what I did was terrible but what he just did was more than terrible,  I searched for my phone but he apperantly took it, he was so angry.

After 2 days

I was still locked in my room without any food or drink,  I drank water from the bathroom,  I know it's disgusting but I had no second choice,  I was starving,  I don't know what was happening outside the room, I just hear Nick yelling at Emily sometimes.

Then I heard a smashing voice and stuff broke and there was fighting and voices, then a voice yelled my name,

Me : " I'm here"

"Ann, stay away from the door", a familiar voice said

"ok", I yelled before walking to the bed, then the door wide opened and I saw him standing there as he run to me and hug me , I hugged him back then everything went black.

I woke up in a white room, the smell was a smell of hospital,  I looked around to see Max sleeping on the chair next to me , I leaned and put my hand on his face, he immediately wake up and looked at me for a second then he hugged me and he started to cry.

Max : " I was scared,  thank God you are awake,  how do you feel?"

Me : " I'm ok, I feel a bit dizzy , where is Emily? !"

Max : " she is with Nath, she is ok, she called us , she is a tough girl, more than you babe", as he winked

Me : " I know , I kinda of hoped she will, what about Nick?"

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now