chapter 11

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Ann's POV

we entered Mrs. George's house it was big house , elegant and classy, just like her, Mrs. George led us to the kitchen, Max , Jack and I sat around the table, she served us tea and cookies, it was awkward silence, untill Mrs . George said

"you are really cute girl Ann, your hair is amazing, how old are you sweety?"

"thanks Mrs. George, I'm 20", I replied

"ahh, Max she is so young, explain to me what about Nina!", she asked hardly looking at Max

"mom, later not now we are so tired, we drove about 5 hours, give me a break then , I promise I will explain", Max answered tiredly, she nodded

"good, so we are going to take a nap, come on Ann", Max said as he standed up and hold my hand, I walked with him , we get to his room , it was next to Mrs . George, we entered , Max went to lay on the bed , I was looking at his stuff,

"babe!!", he said, I turned to him, as he gestures to me to lay next to him on the bed, I sit on the bed, his warm hands entered underneath my T_shirt , I got shiver on my spine, then he grap me to his chest, his hands were exploring my body, I was melting to his touch, then I felt him sit on the bed , I felt his soft warm lips on my neck , he was kissing me passionately, I was dying from inside, then he turned me to face him , his lips met mine he was kissing me harshly, he bite on my lower lip, to make room for his tongue to explore my mouth, I couldn't handle him,

I put my hands around his neck and began to kiss him back, we were on fire, he pulled away to take his shirt off, I was looking at his hot body , he went back to kiss me his hands touched my shirt and began to move it up then take it off, he looked at my body with a warm look,

"you are so beautiful, babe", he whispered, his head went down kissing my belly, I was on fire, I wanted him so bad, but..... my thoughts stopped him , I pulled away Max looked at me confused

"I'm not ready, Max, I'm so sorry, I can't", I mumbled as a tear came down my eye,

he moved my hair from my face and kiss me on the cheek," I don't want to push you, but can I know why!", Max asked looking at me

"I promised my mom ... I won't do it tell, I'm sure of the guy, to be the one", I said shyly

"and, I am not..... the one", Max asked sadly

"it's not like this only, I'm sure you are the one, but it's. ......", I stopped I didn't want to tell him what happened in my past

"then , what!!", he exclaimed

"can I tell you a short story and you will know the reason?", I asked

"go ahead", he said not looking at me

"my mom died before six years, I was so close to her, my dad didn't get over her, for 2 years he remained sad, I made him marry a woman , he chose her, she was divorced with 1 son and 1 daughter, the boy was older than me in 4 years the girl was younger than me in 2 years, my life with them was not good , I felt I'm alone they are one big family and I'm not, I decided to leave , I asked my dad to let me go to the UK to continue my studies, at first he refused but when he knew Justin is coming he agreed", I said

"what is the relation between what you said and us", Max said looking at me

"the woman's son is the relation Max, when I was 12... I met him he told me that my mom sent him to pick me up so I went with him, he took me to a dark place, I was scared, he told me that he works with mom, then he grab me to the wall and tear my clothes , I was screaming but there is no one........ he raped me Max, and left me on the floor,, I didn't know what to do, I don't even remember his face", I said crying, as max hold me in his arms so tight,

"so I decided to go home, to tell mom, she saw me like this, she began to cry as I was crying, she took me upstairs and changed my clothes, then took me to the police, but I couldn't describe him, max, I didn't know him, then after 2 months my mom took me to the doctor, the doctor made my a Virgin again, that's when I promised her the auth, after 2 months she died due to cancer, then after all these years, I saw him in my house, he didn't remember me because I was young and different", I said as more tears came down.

Max tightened his grap around me, I feel safe in his arms," babe, I would never do such a horrible thing, that basterd should go to prison, you can put him in jail, why do you left, when you can ruined his life", Max said

"I don't want to , I need you to stay with me max never leaving me , I want you so bad, you need just to give me time, I love you", I sniffed to his chest

"I'm always here with you , I'm your armour, I'm your personal soldier babe, I will kill him and anyone touch you", he said angerly

I tightened my arms around him and kiss him so harsh , as I bite on his lower lip to make him open his mouth for my tongue I wanted to taste him, I want to show him that I want him, it's just out of my control

after 3 hours

I woke up alone in bed, no Max, I stand up and look at him in the bathroom, he wasn't there, I get downstairs, I saw Mrs. George, smiling to me

"come with me", she asked smiling, I followed her , she opened a big box, to show me an amazing black dress, it was awesome,

"put it on", she asked, I take my dress off and wear the black one it was so hot, she lead me to a chair, I sit on it as she applied some makeup on my face, then she brush my hair,I looked at mirror , I was looking so hot, sexy I love it, she made me look older alittle bit, I look like misdy now, then Jack came in and hold my hand

"come with me", he asked and I nodded, we walked to the back door, as he opened the door I was shocked at what I saw


Cliffhanger ;))))

short one but has the back story

enjoy it

love ★★★★★★


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