Chapter 29

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"babe", Max said

"yes babe", i yelled from the kitchen , Max was watching football in the living room while i was cooking

"we are going out after the match, leave the kitchen and dress classy yet sexy babe", Max shouted, i walked towards him with sassy smile

"why??", i asked

"we are going on a public date", Max said taking his eyes from the match for the first time

"what did you plan?", i asked grinning

"it's a surprise babe, just go you have an hour only", Max said and blow me a kiss, i nodded and went to my room.

I was smiling, what to wear?, i asked myself, i looked through the wardrobe and found it, a short black dress, i know i always wear black but this one is not just black, it has a silver diamond around the neck and around the sleeves, it has a cute chest that show alittle bit of my boobs, and it's tight so it's perfect, i grab my new underwear and took a shower , after finishing, i put on my underwear and wrapped myself in a towel.

i walked out to my room , Max was looking for something to wear , he has a shirt and a jeans in his hand but i think he is trying to find a blazer, Max turned around to me and his epic grin appeared in his face.

"Maybe i will cancel the date , and just stay in bed", Max said as i blushed

"Nooooo", i whinned

"ok maybe after the date", Max said before he wink and went out of the room.

i put on the dress and began to dry my hair , then straightening it , after finishing, i began to apply my make a thick one, light foundation, dark smokey black eye shadow, and red lipstick.


put on my black heels and grab my black purse with my phone and some girly stuff and make up.

i walked down , i saw Max waiting in the living room, he looked so sexy, he was wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans with a black blazer that its sleeves are rolled up reach to his elbow , this man know how to look sexy.

as he saw me , his eyes widened and whistle to me, i blushed

"you look so fucking hot, damn girl you are perfect, flawless, amazing and beautiful", Max said before he embrace me

"Thanks, you look hot too", i said smiling

"like always, no new in this", he said cocily, i rolled my eyes and laugh at him.

we get out and i was shocked to see a big black limo , the driver opened the door for us, i was just openning my mouth out of surprise, Max laugh at my reaction then grab me to the limo, we get in

"Max!!! this is alot", i said shocked

"it's nothing babe", as he kissed my cheek

"thanks babe", i mumbled hugging him.

After about twenty minutes, the limo stopped and we get out , i looked at the restaurant we pulled in front of it, it was so huge definitely a Five stars, i also saw alot of papz at the door, i looked at Max who was having a huge grin on his face

"let's do it babe", Max said as i nodded.

we get out and Max hold my hands, we get through the papz who were giving us comments, we get inside and the restaurant is more amazing than the outside, Max went to a man

"reservation for Max George", Max said as the man checked then smile to us and nodded.

we followed him to our table near the fire place , i could feel the flashes of the papz from outside, we sit opposite to each other.

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now