chapter 37

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"This is his phone we tried to open it but we don't know his password", Tom said giving me Max's phone

I tried to put everything i know about him but it didn't open it

"I don't know guys", i said

"Well it was our last hope, we called the police and they are searching but they didn't find him", Jay said

"What did he tell you before leaving?", Nathan asked

"As i told you we went to the wedding planner but then he began to act weird, then he dropped me here and said he want to spend time with you lads", i answered

"Well when he came, he was pissed, i tried to know what's wrong but he didn't say anything, but when we get drunk, he told me something......", Tom trialled off

"Yeah what?", i asked

"Max said they won't stop till they get what they want, and he have to give them it before dealing with the consequences", Tom said remembering

"What is that suppose to mean!!", Siva asked

"We need to open his phone to know", i said

I began to think of all the possible options, Max is in danger i need to focus, he must left the phone for us to find him, but what is his password. .......

"Try the date of the first time you met him?", Jay suggested

"I tried but it didn't work besides it's a word not a number I'm sure i saw him once type words", i said still looking at the phone

"Well do you have any nickname for each other? !", Jay asked

Then it hit me i didn't tried it, i typed it quickly and bamm his phone opened , i went straight to the messages and found what surprised me, i almost got a heart attack

"What's the password? ", Tom asked

"It's not your business", i said

"Look!!", i said handing Tom the phone

" this real!!!", Tom said slowly then he handed the phone to Nathan

" ohhhh.... guys we need to act quickly! !!", Nathan said handing the phone to Siva and Jay, they both looked shocked

"It's just impossible after all this years!!!", Jay said


So what happened!, what's on the phone??

You want to know?

Wait for the update ;)


Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now