chapter 36

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"Max called we are going to see a wedding planner after lunch", i told Justin

"Why a wedding planner? , i can totally do it", Justin suggested

"Well Max wants it to be huge besides you will be in charge of making my dress you promised", i said

"I know and it is done, i designed it along time actually since you started dating Max so i just have to apply it on fabric", Justin said smiling

"Wow!!, can i see it ?", i said very curious

"Nope till the wedding day", Justin announced

"No way i can't wait till that time", i protected

"Don't even try don't you trust my sense in fashion? ", Justin said raising an eyebrow

"I do but......", i said before Justin interpret me

"No buts it's enough", Justin said before leaving the room with smile.

How can't i see my dress, it's the most important thing in the wedding, well apart from my hot, sexy fiancé.

After lunch

"So guys what are you thinking?", The wedding planner Lauren asked

"Well I'm thinking huge place, unforgettable wedding", Max said excitedly, i giggled at his tone

"Ok Mr.George what's the theme?", Lauren asked

"Umm I'm thinking classy without a theme just a classic wedding", i said

"No babe we want it unforgettable not boring", Max said

"Babe it won't be boring as long as we are together", i said in a cheesy tone, Max rolled his eyes

"So what do you suggest? ", Max asked Lauren

"I'm thinking classy but really really elegant like chandeliers and diamond everywhere and elegant food and everything in white and gold", Lauren suggested as me and Max nodded quickly .

"It will be unforgettable i promise", Lauren said before we thanked her and left.

"Maxxie?", i said as we get in the car

"Yes Annie?", Max said

"Don't you think it's too soon?", i said

"What!!", Max said annoyed

"I mean how can she plan everything in a month?", i said

"It's her job", Max said quickly but with an annoyed tone

"Babe are you alright? ", i asked as i put my hand on his thigh

"Fine", was all he answered, i sighed and looked at the window, what's wrong with him, did i said anything wrong?!, what's happening in his mind.

The drive was quite, we get out of the car to my house , i opened the front door but Max didn't enter, i looked back at him confused

"Why won't you come in?", i asked

"I'm going to the hotel staying with the boys", Max answered in the same annoyed tone

"Max just tell me what's wrong? ", i asked

"Nothing i just want to spend more time with my boys, is there anything wrong with that? ", Max said in a very clear annoyed tone

"You can do whatever", i said entering the bedroom, i heard the door closed.

What's in this guy's mind, he have a mood swing, i will let him fix his own issues, i won't annoy him again till he came back.

3 days past

"No he didn't even called , I'm really worried Justin, i called the boys and they just give me weird excuses like he is a sleep or at the studio or even in the shower", i said to Justin on the phone

"Just go to the hotel then", Justin said

"You think i didn't? !, i went but they signed out 2 days ago", I said

"Well what about Emily and Lizy they don't know?", Justin suggested

"Well Em don't know but Lizy i didn't asked, go now let me call her", i said without waiting for his answer i hung up and dialled Lizy, i was worried about Max so much .

"Hey Liz how are you sis?", i said

"Hey sis long time no see", Lizy teased

"Shut it Liz, i want your help?", i asked

"Anything", Lizy answered

" do you know where the boys are staying?", i asked

"They are in LA they left yesterday. don't know?!", Lizy said

"No i don't Max was acting weird to me so we kinda of had an argument", i explained

"Well but Max is not with the boys!", Lizy said

"What!!,where is he?!", i asked quickly

"Nath said that Max told him, he want to spend time with you!!", Lizy said

"Well i didn't see him in 3 days now", i said raising my tone

"That's weird!!!, let me check with Nath again?!", Lizy said as she hang up.

That was really weird, Max isn't with the boys and definitely not with me, Maybe i will call Jack or Andy,they should know

So i dialled Jack but he said he didn't see Max since Max's proposal to me. Then i dialled Andy and he said the same thing, I'm totally scared now, Max just disappeared,my phone rang interpreting my bad thoughts, i looked at the ID to see Nathan is calling

"Hello Nath !", i said

"Hello Ann, so Lizy told me that Max is not with you?", Nathan asked

"No Nathan the last time i saw him was 3 days ago when we had an argument and he decided to spent the day with you at the hotel", i explained

"Well yeah, he came and told me what had happened, and yeah he was angry at something you said , then when you called he told me to tell you that he is busy, and the next day too, but when i told him we will leave to LA he told me that he wants to say goodbye to you and that he will catch up to us", Nathan explained

"So where the hell is he?", i yelled

"Oh Ann don't be mad we will come back to search for him, and he left his phone here we will bring it maybe you could know his lock", Nathan said as we said goodbye and hung up

I was worried and scared something bad happened to Max I'm sure , it can't be of our little argument because we argue alot, i just hope that he is okey.

So guys what do you think

Where's Max?

What happened?



And oh check my imagine book

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now