chapter 13

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I woke up in the morning,  I looked at my phone , it was Friday,  tomorrow the boys will leave for 6 months, my tears began to fall, and I just broke up with Max, what a bitch I am , I need to see him, I need to say goodbye to the boys, I will miss them so bad.

after long thinking , I stand up and went to the bathroom to take a shower,  after finishing,  I headed to my wardrobe,  I picked black jeans , white shirt, and black cardigan,  I made my hair in a messy bun, I put only eyeliner,  I wasn't in the mood, I went downstairs.

the girls saw me, they looked at me confused, "what's wrong sweety", Missy said

"he is leaving,  missy,  for 6 damn month, I can't handle it anymore", I yelled , then I began to cry, she hurried to me hugging me as I began to cry harder

"I didn't think you love him so much , I'm sorry babe", Missy said in a warm voice,

" I will go to say goodbye,  I can't do anything else", I said as I pulled away from her hug,

"yeah and tell him you love him, he should know", Missy said, as I nodded and headed to the boys' house

I knocked at the door, big kev appeared, I hugged him "I will miss you kev", I said

"oh, I will miss you too sweety, I didn't know you love me", he said smirking,  I just rolled my eyes, and get inside , I saw Jay reading a book , I went to him and hug him

"I will miss you Jaybird", I said as he hug me tight "I will miss you too Ann", he said looking in my eyes, we pulled away,

"where is the others?", I asked

"upstairs in their rooms , or playing room, or music room , you need to search", he said smiling

I went upstairs,  I heard Tom's voice in the playing room , I went there , I saw kelsey sitting next to him, as she saw me , she run to hug me, I hugged her and I began to cry

"I will miss you two", I said

"I will be in my house near here you can come to see me and go shopping together", kelsey said,  as I shake mxy head

"I'm going to America,  Dad wants to spend the vacation with him and family", I said as they nodded, then Tom came to hug me

"he is in his room since you left and he won't open the door for me", Tom said sadly as I nodded

I went to siva's room , I said goodbye to him and naresha

then I heard the piano in the music room , I entered to see nathan playing, he stopped when he saw me

"I will miss you so badly, little nath", I said as I hugged him and began to cry

"I will miss you too, when I come back , we will hang alot, I promise", he said kindly as I nodded

I decided to see Max at the end because I have alot to say to him, I knocked at the door

"Tom, just leave me I want to sleep till tomorrow", Max yelled from inside

"it's me , Max, I'm Ann", I said gently,  he opened the door, and sit back to his bed again without caring for me

"what do you want", he snapped

"talk to you", I said

"wrong answer,  I don't want to talk", Max said

"Max, I came to tell you that I'm going to America on this vacation,  my dad called , and I thought about it.....", I said before he interpreted me "you are kidding right!", he said raising an eyebrow

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now