chapter 27

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Dr.James entered the room, he gave me a sympathetic smile, i looked at Ann, she can't be dead i can't handle it ,

Dr.James:"I'm so sorry Max but we need to disconnect her body from the machine so she can die in peace", his words were soft but hurt so much, as Lizy and Justin began to cry, my tear drop to my cheek

Mr . Thompson:" can't we wait for a couple of hours, maybe she will wake up", the doctor shook his head giving us an apology look, i couldn't take it, i decided to leave the room and not see my girl, Ann dying.

I left the room, then left the hospital, i couldn't control my tears, it was falling like a water fountain, i kept walking, my phone began to ring but i didn't care for it, i couldn't tell the boys, the one girl that i love , the one for me just died while i standed there can't do anything ,and it was because of me, i looked at the place i was in , i was on a bridge, i looked down to see a river under it, an idea hit me, as long as my reason to live gone, so why i should live, i need to join her in heaven. i stood on the edge of the bridge, my phone began to ring again , i decided to answer to tell the person that calling, that i will end my life now.

"where the hell are you", Justin said

"hey Justin , I'm going to join Ann in heaven , tell everyone goodbye", i said before i could hang up i heard Ann's voice , What!!! am i dreaming or imagining her voice, i put the phone on my ear again and listen

"hey babe", her sweet voice said tiredly, i couldn't believe my ears, maybe it's Lizy trying to fool me because there is a similarity between their voices.

"Ann!!!! or it's Lizy", i asked

"It's Ann my bald kean", she said i grinned only my Ann know this name, i kept talking to her as i run back to the hospital.

after minutes i entered the hospital and running to Ann's room, i entered to see her smiling to Justin , i run to hug her, she was so delict , i hugged her but not tight i was afraid of breaking her.

"i missed you my doll, i thought you died", i said as my tears began to fall, she hugged me and kissed my cheek,

"I'm here now, i heard you but i just couldn't move i don't know why", she explained

Dr.James entered with smile

"this a merical , Ann you just broke our medical record, the first patient that wake up after 25hour", i saw smile on Ann's face but it faded away quickly

"where is Emily?", she asked looking at me

"Sara took her back to Australia", i answered casually like nothing happened

"Ann, sleep now, you too Max, tomorrow is your big day ", Dr.James said

"what big day?, are we going to marry?!", Ann asked confused, we all laughed at her

"i wish babe, James mean our surgery day", i said still laughing

"Ann you have no kidney now, the only match is Max so he will give you one of his kidneys", Dr.James said

"what!! babe you what!! No i don't want him to",Ann said, before i raise an eyebrow

"why?!", Dr.James asked

"he could get hurt i don't want him to, i don't want to put him under danger , No No No i won't accept it", Ann said as i looked at her.

"babe i want to, i can't let you die, i will die after you, i was on the bridge, i decided to die to join you in heaven, so shut up and accept it", i yelled the last part

"Max I'm scared about you, if anything bad happened to you what i will do", she said

"if anything bad happen to one of us , God will gather us together in heaven, babe please say you are ok with this", i said as she nodded and i kiss her cheek.

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now