chapter 9

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We arrived at a nice building,  we get out of the car , we went to the elevator , Justin pressed 4, we reached to the flat, he opened the door , we get in, it was so elegant although it was small, we entered the living room it was white all white even the couches were white only the carpet and the small pillows were blue .there was small bar at the end of the room , and a big stereo.

I sit on the couch while justin went to the kitchen to make me coffee,  he came with 2 cups , I smiled to him and took the pink cup, we drink in awkward silence,  after finishing he stand up

"let me show you your room", Justin said and I followed him.

He opened the door, the room was small but nice and also white,  there was single bed and wardrobe and small disk only, I smiled to Justin

"it's perfect", I said smiling to him, he nodded,

"it's empty, in the morning we are going to shop stuff for you", he said leaving the room.

I took my phone out of my phone and turned it off, I need to sleep alot till I forget everything that happened, I laid on the bed and began to think about what happened,  my tears began to fall, then I slept.

I woke up to Justin's voice yelling , he was talking to someone, I couldn't hear anything so I just stand up and opened my bag to get something to wear,  I picked a black T_shirt with dark blue jeans, and new underwear. as I opened the door there was silence,  I went to the living room,  to see a hot guy sitting on the couch wearing only boxers,

"hi, I'm Ronnie, you know me right", the hot guy said

"oh, sure, I'm Ann, I heard good things about you", I said, he just nodded and return to his coffee, so iwent to the kitchen to see Justin cooking,

"you....cook.... I never expected that", I said smiling.

"I'm making breakfast for you", justin said

"is it ok , if I use ur bathroom,  I need a shower", I asked politely

he laughed, "sure, I'm just shocked at your politeness", justin he show me the way.

I took a quick shower I wasn't in the mood , I was miserable, sad, broken.

I get out and back to my room I brushed my hair and made it in a messy bun, and no makeup.

Justin entered with a cup of coffee and a plate in his hands, I smiled to him  and sat next to him on the bed, I drink the coffee but didn't eat ,

"you need to turn on your phone", justin said.

"why!", I asked

"the girls are calling , they called me,they are worried", he said

"really, why?, I left a note ", I said

"they don't believe it, sisi saw you crying last night", he said

"ugh, what should I say", I asked him

"I don't know,  the truth!!", he said

I shake my head as he stand up

"come on , we need to go shopping", Justin said excitedly, I nodded and stand up , I shove my phone to my pocket and left with him and Ronnie.

we were in the car, they were talking , I wasn't paying attention to them, I took my phone out and turn it on, I saw about 30 texts on it, I scrolled down to them 10 from Missy asking me what happened,  5 from Sisi yelling at me, 2 from Rose asking if she can borrow my white dress, and the rest from Max ,

Love VS Fame (max george fanfiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now