chapter three

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Liam has come here every night for the past week and every night, I tried my best not to be rude. He made all of these comments about my looks, how I wasn't serving him fast enough and telling me how to do my job.

All week, he came alone. I wondered what happened to his Irish friend. I was starting to wish he was here instead of Liam.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" I asked, leaning forward on the bar.

"What do you mean?" he replied with a smirk, his accent very evident.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you trying to get at with all of your snide remarks?"

"Snide remarks?" he scoffed. "I'm only telling the truth, sweetheart. You don't like me telling you that you're pretty?"

"I guess what I'm getting at is that you want me to get your drinks faster but there is a whole bar of people that I have to serve. You're being rude and if you keep being rude, I can have you thrown out."

"And you really want to do that?" A smirk was upon his lips.

I groaned, walking away from him to serve some angry customers. I hadn't noticed them trying to get my attention.

"What can I get you?" I asked a middle aged lady dressed in business attire. She ordered a margarita and I got the ingredients to make it. "Sorry for the wait, ma'am," I told her once I was finished.

"The service here is rubbish," she muttered under her breath. I bit my lip, a nervous habit, as I walked over to Tristan who was standing off to the side of the bar.

"Tough night?" he asked. He hasn't made a effort to do anything with me since he dragged me into the storage closet. I was thankful for that, but I still considered him my closest friend.

"Yeah," I sighed. "People are just being ruder than normal."

"What's going on with that guy?"

"What guy?" I narrowed my eyes in fake confusion, knowing he was talking about Liam.

"Seriously Logan? That British guy," he sounded annoyed.

"Just some guy that keeps pestering me about not doing my job correctly. He also constantly tells me I'm pretty. I think he's looking for a rebound, but I'm not interested."

"Rebound? How do you know that?"

"His friend was talking about needing to get over some girl the first time he was here."

"Maybe you should," Tristan said, surprising me.

I shook my head, not responding to him and walking back over to the bar. I couldn't believe he basically told me to sleep with Liam. When he first looked at me, the thought had crossed my mind but now I wasn't sure I wanted to get involved. He seemed to be sort of a lovesick puppy. I couldn't get involved with someone who was clingy because they would only get hurt when they found out I didn't believe in love and relationships.

"What's that furrowed look for?" Liam's voice interrupted my thoughts.


"You looked so deep in thought. What for?" he questioned.

"Oh nothing," I lied. I couldn't stop thinking about what Tristan had told me as I looked at Liam. "So, you never told me why you came to New York."

"Needed to get away, went through a tough break up," he answered sadly. "Niall came with me, it was his idea actually."

"Hmm, and where is Niall?" I asked, thinking it was such an odd name.

"Back at our place. I keep pestering him to come out with me, but he won't. Says he has other stuff planned," he shrugged.

"Is there a reason you keep coming here alone?" Now I was just curious.

"Nah. Maybe meet a girl," he says sheepishly.

"You should've noticed by now that it's more of an older crowd here," I gestured toward the bar.

"I've got my eye on you."

My breath caught at his words, causing me to nervously bite my lip. Liam was looking right at me and I had to look away, his stare too intense for me.

"That was really forward. I hope you know I'm not usually a douchebag." His voice changed so it was softer.

"I have a hard time believing that because of how you've treated me the last week."

"I thought that's what girls like, teasing them and whatever. I was just trying to impress you. I haven't tried to get a girl in a long time."

"Well, I'd say you're pretty rusty," I chuckled.

"I got you to laugh at least," he grinned.

"I need to get back to work," I shook my head.


A week later, Liam was in with his friend. He hasn't been here the last few nights and I was wondering what happened to him, not that I was paying attention.

"Logan!" Niall waved me over. Liam must have told him my name because I never did.

I smiled sweetly and pulled out two glasses. "Two beers?"

"Yep," Niall grinned. He seemed excited, not being able to sit still. "So, Payne here has told me how he's trying to win you over and it's not working," he commented.

"Oh, he has?" I raised my eyebrows. It gave me a weird feeling to know that Liam had been talking about me. Niall nodded, taking a long drink. "Well, he was being somewhat of an asshole." I knew I shouldn't be calling a customer that, but I wanted to see his reaction.

"I wasn't being that mean," Liam said, holding his beer in both hands.

"Really? You were telling me how to do my job."

"Seriously, Liam? You gotta be nice to the girl. She's not going to want to do anything with you if you tell her what to do," Niall chastised.

"Sorry guys, it's been nice chatting but I have a job." I left them to argue to serve some regulars. I could hear them from the other side of the bar, they were talking that loudly.

"She doesn't like me. In fact I don't think she sincerely likes anyone. She does turn me on with those little shorts though."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. I hated the fact that I had to dress the part in order to keep my job.

I didn't hear Niall's response as I needed to go into the back to restock some bottles. When I returned, they were gone.

I walked over to clear their glasses and noticed something scrawled onto a napkin.

Call me was written in messy handwriting along with a number.

I know I updated not too long ago, but I want to get this story going (: please vote and comment xx zoe

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