chapter twenty-seven

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A month later and I'm happy with Liam. I'd come to the realization that this was what I was missing in life, having meaningful relationships with people and not just in the romantic way. I was missing that personal and companionship aspect of human life. I was keeping to myself and not letting anyone in. Once I let Liam into my life and shared things with him, I felt more at peace and as though I could overcome anything. 

I walked into work in a happy mood, my large vanilla latte in my hand. I headed into the back room to put my purse back there, but I walk in on something I could've gone my whole life without seeing. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I quickly cover my eyes so I don't have to see Tristan having Ivy pressed up against the wall, his hand gripping her ass. I hear them shuffling about, realizing that their intimate moment was interrupted. "Well, I see you two have gotten quite close," I commented as I peeked through my fingers to see if they were decent. 

Ivy straightened out her dress and touched up her lipstick. She pecked Tristan on the cheek and walked out to the front without a word. I wanted to like her, but she didn't seem to like me. 

"Hey, Logan," Tristan chuckled, his face a light shade of red. "How much did you see?"

"Enough," I shook my head. "If you wanted to suck her face off, you could have found somewhere a bit more private."

"She initiated it," he said. "I just came back here to see if she wanted to go out and get drinks sometime. I didn't even get a chance to ask. She practically jumped me."

I laughed. "I highly doubt that," I told him, patting him on the shoulder. I left him and went to join Ivy in the front.

"Please don't tell me he's your boyfriend too or that he has a girlfriend," she deadpanned as she wiped the counter. 

"No, but I did have sex with him a couple times. He totally adores you though."

"Is there anyone that you aren't involved with? Are you some kind of whore?" 

My jaw clenched at her comment, feelings of anger and rage boiling up inside of me. Ivy went to go unlock the door because it was opening time, but I was still enraged and my hands clenched into fists. My body reacted without my mind and I swung a punch but missed. I swore under my breath, but then fell to the ground when Ivy took a swing at me causing me to lose my balance. 

"Bitch!" she spat down at me, standing tall in her heels. She stomped away, probably into the back to find Tristan as I struggled to stand back up. My boss rushed out to the front as a couple of customers walked in. 

"What the hell happened? Your nose is bleeding," he burst out, helping me stand. "We'll be right with you," he told the customers as he helped me walk to the back. He found me paper towels to help stop the blood. Ivy was standing with Tristan, his arms wrapped around her. "Someone explain to me what the hell happened out there!" he demanded.

"She tried to punch me! I was only defending myself," Ivy cried out, acting like the victim. 

"She called me a whore," I countered. 

"Logan, that does not constitute for fighting. I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to fire you."

"You've got to be kidding me! I'm the one that was actually assaulted." I pinched my nose, trying to make the pain go away, but the blood was still coming pretty steadily. 

"I'm sorry, but you started the fight. It would be better if you left now. Ivy, can you please go and serve the customers?" He left us, going back to his office. I glared at Ivy as she walked past me to go serve customers. 

"What was that?" Tristan asked, lifting my head up to look at him. 

"Nothing," I shook my head. "I was just being stupid and I guess I let my emotions get to me."

"Why did you try and punch her? What did she do?"

"Tris, just leave it alone. I just got fired from a job that I love because of a girl that's been here for a month. I just want to go home and forget all about today." I got up and grabbed my purse from the shelf. I wished there was another way out of the bar other than the front so I didn't have to walk by Ivy. I made no eye contact with her as I walked through.


After getting home, I changed into pajamas and took a nap. Daisy curled up beside me on my bed, making it seem like she knew I had a rough day. I woke up to see I had a text from Liam.  

Liam: hey babe, I miss you ;)

Logan: then come over silly

Liam: on my way, love

Even over text, my heart melted when he called me "love" and I felt a little bit better. My nose still hurt from Ivy's punch. I got up to examine the damage in the mirror. My nose was beginning to turn a purple color, a bruise clearly forming. I was thankful that it wasn't broken because I did not feel like dealing with that. 

I heard my front door open and close and Liam's footsteps coming to my room. I shut off the light to my bathroom and walked out. "Hey," he murmured, pulling me close and kissing my lips. I winced at the contact and pulled away. "What happened? Are you ok?" Liam grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back to him so he could examine my face. 

"Ivy punched me," I whispered, not wanting to admit that she was able to. 

"She what?!" 

"Yeah, and I got fired," I walked over to sit on the edge of my bed, Liam joining me. 

"Why did she punch you and why are you the one that's fired?" As he talked to me, he had his arm around me, drawing patterns on my side. 

"I caught her and Tris, you know. And then when I went out in the front she asked if I was with him and I told her that I did have sex with him. She then called me a whore and I was pissed and tried to punch her but I missed. She came back and hit me and I fell to the ground. I got fired because I apparently I started the fight. It's just been an awful night," I huffed and layed my head on his shoulder. 

"It's alright, we'll find you something else to do. But right now, I'll go make you some tea to calm you down and then we can watch a movie. Pick one out while I go make the tea," he kissed my forehead and walked out into the kitchen. 

I browsed my movies and I wondered what would be happening right now if I didn't have Liam. I didn't even want to contemplate where I would be because I did have Liam and I'd come so far since meeting him. 

i feel like i update so often idk, i'm trying to wrap up this story. please vote and comment xx zoe

fetus liam gif because why not. 

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