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"I don't know what to do." I cried at Dean. Dean looked at me, sympathetically.

"You can bunk here, with me." He offered as he drunk his tea.

I sighed and smiled at him. "Thanks Dean, but I can't, you only have one bed, I'm not getting in there with you." I teased him.

"I have to give up everything." I sobbed out.

"Oh no, not the party life." Dean faked the horror.

"I'm serious, Dean. No more clubs, bars, social gatherings, galas." I could sell my dresses, that would give me some money. The thought came in to my mind. I don't wear them twice. But then, it all depends on one thing, are they worth it now I've worn them?

"Oh no. But think of this, you'll be saving money by not attending. Aren't the highest of the highest decline a lot of invites anyway?"

"It's not just that though. I donate every week. Hundreds of dollars. What about the charities I donate too?"

"I don't know, Grace." Dean sighed.

It was where I met Dean, three years ago. He was doing court ordered community service after being caught defacing council property. It was the only sentence the judge could give him, being a minor back then, being caught several times before then.

Dean settled down after a year of me meeting him and started being responsible. He got himself a good job and hasn't looked back since.

One wouldn't think he was like that if they saw him now but heard about his past. He was a street punk. Loose clothes, hairstyles that made a statement, piercings, most now gone.

But I had befriended him, like I do and before we knew it, we were good friends. I helped him find that job, I gave him the money to pay for the appropriate clothes and a car to get to and from work.

"I could give you that money back." Dean said.

I turned to him. "No! I won't accept that." I couldn't.

"Come on, Grace. You obviously need some money to get by while you adjust."

I shook my head at him.

"I'm not used to seeing you like this. Where's my happy go lucky girl?"

"This whole situation is a downer! But no! That was my gift to you. I won't accept it back."

"Gracie, it's nearly ten thousand dollars! I will feel a whole lot better if I could at least give you three grand. I don't have the full amount, but let me help." Dean smiled at me. A small smile lifted on my lips.

"You already have." I reassured him as I sat back on the sofa and placed my legs in his lap. "Have you got any new movies?" I asked him as I got myself comfortable.

Dean handed me the remote control and I helped myself. "Honestly, Grace, how will you cope, going cold turkey?"

I laughed. "Oh Dee. You make it sound like it's a drug." Then my face dropped. Oh. I guess I can kiss it all good bye.

I didn't mind the occasional tote every now and then, but it was like once every few months sort of thing, just enough to relax me when I felt on edge, which was getting rare.

I've been the centre of attention since I was fifteen, attending these parties behind my parents back, school nights, and even disappearing for a couple days at a time.

My mother always argued with me, but my father always turned a blind eye and said things to my mother like 'at least she ain't pregnant' or 'she come home alive, not in a body bag.'

I've even been brought home by police escorts, drunk and disorderly or a public menace.

"So, how are you going to deal with this? And what about your fans on social media?"

I smiled widely at him. "I'm starting to form a small plan. I'll keep living that life, attend the functions, I'll sell some of my stuff. I'll just have to be sober." I shrugged at him as Dean massaged my feet.

"You know, this is the pot calling the kettle black, but you don't need alcohol to have fun."

I gasped at him and faked the horror. "Oh what? So the rock climbing and other sports I enjoyed over the years for fun, I did drunk?"

Dean smirked at me. "Smart ass."

I laughed at him. "I know what you meant."

"Why don't you talk to your fathers boss? Try and get a job there, help pay it off a bit faster."

I thought about what Dean said. That made sense.

"Okay. I can do that. Give us your laptop. I'll type up my resume."

Dean looked at me like I grew another head on my shoulders. "Shit, are you serious?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Grace, you haven't worked a single day in your life."

"I volunteer!" I playfully swatted him. "If me being a good Samaritan isn't good enough, then maybe my mum is right. Maybe Mr Parker really is callous."

"I'm rooting for you, Gee. I really am." Dean encouraged as he handed me the laptop. "But just don't get your hopes up too high."

"Oh, thanks Dean!" I kicked him.

"Don't you get sponsored by some companies?"

I forgot about that. "Yeah, but that's clothes or shoes, just for their brand names for me to post myself wearing them on social media and tagging the companies."

"Can't you sell it?"

I shook my head as I pursed my lips together. "I can't do that. I won't. If I sell their stuff and they get wind of it, I'll lose their sponsorships."

I suppose it didn't really matter anyway, they were rare to get far and between.

I looked down at the screen and frowned. "Dee. How do you do a resume?"

➡️Good morning/afternoon/evening all.

It's morning here and I'm chattering my teeth, it's so cold! The sun ain't up just yet, but the wildlife is.

Here is the second chapter, introducing Grace's best friend, Dean.

I hope you enjoy it 😊

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Take care


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