Part 7

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I look over to my side to see the sunset above the ocean. Waves are crashing down onto the sand. I've always wanted to see the beach and now that I have seen it. I love it.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Ashton says. I notice we have stopped walking.

"Yes it is indeed," though Ashton is not looking at the sunset but at me.....ok then. "What do you like about the beach." He asks looking up now.

"I like....I like how it can calm and peaceful without a care in the world, but it can be one of the most powerful things on earth. It chooses if you die or live. It holds life within it. The ocean is peaceful but brave. Kind but powerful." I look at Ashton to see him looking at me in shock.

"You may be the smartest person I have ever met, and that's including all the education I got growing up." I smile at him. We continue walking. Maybe being with him isn't so bad, but I'm not giving into him so easily.

Trust is earned, and so


Over the course of the week nothing much has happened expect Ashton has been more agitated lately and the number of guards has increased.

If I want to to the beach for a walk I have to have at least 5 guards and that's just when Ashton is around. Without Ashton I have 7 guards, and inside the palace there is always one or two guards with me. The only time I'm alone is when I'm in the bathroom. I've tried to talk to Ashton about it, but he'll just brush it off.

Anyways, right now I'm on my way to the castle library. Of course I had my usual guards with me. One of the guards was named was Ace.

He was a muscular kind of guy. Ace stood at 6' 3", and was bulky. He had grey eyes and black hair. He was handsome I'll say that much. Who ever would court him in the future was very lucky. Especially since he seemed not to open up to anyone, he never smiled, never laughed. It was like he was on guard all the time. God bless the girl who would be able to get more than one word out of him.

I've tried to talk to him a couple of times, but I always got one word answers: yes or no. So I tried not to ask yes or no questions, but like always he gave me short answers.

When I had first met Ace I had been very intimidated. I seriously thought he was going to take me out if I had said one bad thing to his face. I stayed far away from him as possible, I didn't look at him in the eye, and didn't talk to him. After a day or two with him I realized he wouldn't hurt me unless needed to, and that he would protect me as he was a royal guard and was ordered by Ashton himself to protect me from harm at all times.

We still barely talk, but we are ok enough to be near each other now. Well at least I am. I can't tell what he thinks.

My other usual guard was named Dylan.

Dylan had sea blue eyes and brunette hair, and stood at 6' 0". Dylan had muscles just not as much as Ace. He was also handsome.

Why is everyone in this castle gorgeous while in the villages the men are okay looking? It doesn't make any sense to me. Did Ashton just take all the pretty people in put them here? I mentally sigh, whatever.

Back to Dylan. He was the opposite of Ace. He was always trying to cheer people up, and was always talkative. He was so happy (in a good way).

I enjoyed both of them together as it kept balance. Dylan would make everybody happy, but sometimes he talked way too much, and it got annoying. But Ace would give one glance and he would shut up, knowing he should talk a little less.

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