Part 6

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I open the window and look down to see that we must be around 50ft high. Jeez. I going to need some rope or something. I look around the room again and look at the sheets. That's it, but those sheets aren't enough, I need more. I look around the room or something else to use, but find nothing. I guess I am going to have to go through the door, unless I want to be killed by a 50 foot drop. I'll just wait until everybody is asleep before I escape.

This is it, I am escaping...tonight.


After I had decided to escape tonight I decided to take a nap as I was tried from all the fighting and crying. When I had woken up I was faced with the same maid from earlier shaking. Once she notices that I am awake she steps back and bows. 

"I'm sorry princess, but the king is asking you for dinner." The young maid says formally. Oh, you mean the bastard. 

"It's alright. Can you show me the way to the dinning room as I do not yet know my way around the palace." I say getting up. The maid nods and leads me out of the room. We walk side by side to the dinning room where the food is waiting. We don't speak which I find quite awkward. I usually find silence awkward. For me there always has to be a noise or voicing happening around me or otherwise it feels weird to me. Sometimes I can have silence, but that is usually when I am focusing on something.

Maybe it's because I lived with 5 brothers almost my entire life, so the house was always loud. I mentally shrug, oh well. 

There is still awkward silence between us. I should think of something to say to her. 

What about her name? My conscience says.

"What's your name?" I say to her genuinely curious.

"Amelia Ridge, princess." Why is she so formal?

"Why do you call me princess?" I tilt my head to the side a little and furrow my eyebrows.

"Because you are the soon to be queen, but since you are not yet coronated, you are a princess." 

"So it's because I'm marrying the king, but have not yet been announced the queen yet." Amelia nods.

"Yes. He chose you as his wife which no one thought he would ever do. It also means the prophecy is coming true." She says it with a twinkle of hope and happiness in her eyes. I wonder why? And what did she mean by 'prophecy'? So many questions. 

We get to 2 big brown doors. Amelia knocks on the door and gruff voice said to come in. We enter the room to see a huge dinning room. It was so elegant. The ceiling had crystal chandeliers hanging on to it. There was candles around the room including candelabras, but not to many. The table had a red runner on the middle of the table, and could probably fit 20 people. There was a course of roasted turkey, salad, bread, and many more foods to eat on the runner. Two plates and silverware were placed right next to each other with food already on them. 

Ashton sits at the end of the table. His eyes are cold, but once they land on me a flash of guilt and sadness runs through them.

He's sorry. Forgive him. My conscience says, but I don't think I can forgive him yet. He brought up some personal things that he knew would hurt me.

He turns to look at Amelia and puts on his cold face again, "You may go now." Amelia leaves the room. "Sit." He orders. I sit down next to him, and start eating because one I'm starving, two this food looks delicious, and three, like I said I'm starving.

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