Part 3

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The king just walks into the house.........well ok then. My family walks in right after him. Does no one even notice how he didn't even ask to go in?

"W-what d-did you want to t-talk about s-sir?" My dad stutters.

"I want to marry your daughter."


Kylie's POV:


"WHAT! NO WAY! I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY YOU!" I yell at him.  He can't just go around doing what he wants....well I mean he can, but whatever. He still shouldn't take advantage of it.

"Kylie!" My mother hisses at me, while my brothers and father glare daggers at me. What did I do?

"You will marry me because I am the king and you shall do as I say." The king says sternly. When he says that I feel a sudden need to obey him. No wonder why people always do what he says, but I won't follow his every order. He doesn't own me.

"Why should I?" I sass him. 

"Because I have a proposition. If you marry me, which you will, I will give your family more money than they need to live out their lives." My face falls. Surely my family wouldn't accept the deal right. I mean they love me, they wouldn't trade me out for money. Right?

My family stares shocked at the king, then their faces turn into one of consideration. Are they really thinking about this?! They all share glances, then turn to the king.

"Deal." They all say at once. What? They really want to do this. I feel a pang of hurt and sadness go through me. They see this and the look of happiness is soon turned into one of guilt. 

"Kylie we're so sorry, but we need the money. You know that." Oliver says. 

"Yea, we won't be able to live off of Ma's money forever." Lucas says.

"Don't worry you'll be in good hands. I mean you're going to be the queen." Micheal says.

"Yea, imagine all the things you'll have. You'll be able to whatever you want-"

"But you'll have to check with me first." The king says for the first time since they sold me to him. This idiot actually thinks I tell him what I'm doing or what I'm going to do. I ignore him, and face Noah. He surely won't let this happen, we're best friends. We love each other. He would never agree to this.

"Do you want this Noah?" I look at him hopeful, but that soon fades once he says 'Yes'. I suddenly feel angry. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS! You would sell your only daughter for money!"

"Hey! You know we need the money!" Ethan yells at me. 

"That may be true, but just remember that money can't buy happiness. You can buy all the things in the world, but they can only keep you happy for so long. Your loved ones are things that well keep you happy because you love them and they love you, and today you broke that. You sold your loved one to someone else like an object and for that I will no longer love or trust you guys because you chose money over me." Everyone is shocked and frozen, but the king has a proud look on his face. You could tell he was trying to hide his smile. I feel a jolt of happiness flow through me. What is happening to me? I run up to my room after that and cry to myself. 

After a while I hear a knock on my door and the door opens. I see the king. 

"You need to pack your things, or the things that you want to keep. We will be leaving soon." 

"Ok." I whisper to tired to fight him. He frowns.

"You look tired, I'll have some of my men pack your things, while we head home." Home.  I come to realize that this place would no longer be home. I would have to leave all the happy memories here. I start to cry even more at the thought of that. "Hey, don't cry please. Everything will be ok." He wipes my tears away gently. I thought he was mean and cruel. 

"Umm I only have one thing I want to take with me." I go to my old dresser and pick up the heart shaped necklace that Noah got me for my 18th birthday. It took him weeks for him to pay for this. Even though I kind of hate him right now, I know deep down I still love him because he was my best friend and brother. "Ok I'm ready." I tell the king. I should really get his name.

We walk downstairs, and I see my family with sad looks on their faces. I mentally scoff, they don't care. The king grabs my hand. I'm about to pull away but stop when I see he's pulling me away from my family. I rather hold his hand then be near them. He hasn't done anything bad yet....well I mean me. 

"We're so sorry Kylie! We love you!" My mother shouts, while my siblings have tears in their eyes. My father stands there trying to keep it together, but is failing. 

Whatever. They sold me, they don't get to call me their daughter anymore. They've lost that right. 

I don't look back and just step into the carriage. I sit opposite of the king and just stare out the window, watching people walk by doing their business. I squeal when I'm picked up and put into someone's lap. I look up to see the king staring down at me.

"I can sit over there." I point to where I was sitting before.

"No I like you better here." The king smirks. Hmmp.

After awhile I start to get tired. "Sleep princess. We have time till we get to the castle."

"But I'm not tired." I lie, and I think I gave it away when I yawned. The king just puts my head his shoulder and puts his arms around me. Too exhausted to move or to tell him my name is Kylie. I close my eyes. I then remember to ask him for his name. 

"What's your name?" He stays quiet for a little.

"Ashton. Now sleep princess." I close my eyes, and fall asleep to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.


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