Part 13

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I can't stop the tears that are coming forward. He used me. He doesn't want me. He just wants to be king. These thoughts don't stop running through my head. By the time I get to the castle, the sun was rising.

Once I had put the horse away, I run into the castle to our-I mean Ashton's room. When I run into the room Ashton is already awake. "Where were-why are you crying?"

"How could you? HOW COULD YOU?!" I yell out. My tears aren't out of sadness anymore, but out of anger.

"How could I what?" He looked so confused, but I knew in the inside he was a monster.

"The prophecy." Ashton eyes widen and he starts to say something, but I interrupt him. "You used me. You don't want me, you just want to be king!"

"What!! No, I would never use you!" Ashton grabs my hand, but I yank my hand away. "Look, you probably won't believe, and I don't blame you for I have no proof that what you are saying is false. But I do have proof that I love you. I love the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight. I love the way how your laugh makes everyone smile. I love the way when you want to know something, you do everything in your power to find out. It shows you're determined. I love the way how kind and gentle you are to people. Even when they don't deserve it. I love everything about you Kylie." Each word he said he got closer and closer, yet I kept backing away until my back touched the wall. By now we were one inch away from each other. "I would never hurt or use you Kylie. And if you can't see that I'll just have to show you." Ashton smashes his lips onto mine. I put my hands on his chest and give in to the kiss.


I woke up the next morning sore, but filled with true happiness for the first time in my life. I've never felt this before, love. Sure, my parents loved me but I guess I always knew money would be first for them. Ashton gave me true love, but I still want answers and I'm going to get them today with or without his permission. I'm done being the girl who knows everything last. I'm tired of being the girl who does what everybody says. I'm going to do what is right, not what other people want.

"Morning love." I jump startled as Ashton kisses my cheek and wraps his arms around me.

"Morning." I whisper. He frowns, concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Why hide it from me?" I say bluntly. His face lights up with recognition.

"Listen when I found out about the prophecy I was broken, knowing the relationship between me and my brother was never going to be the same. I tried to reason with him, saying we can rule the kingdom together. But he refused, saying he was the older twin and by law the kingdom should be his. He wants power and money, and he'll kill anyone who stands in his way of that. Half of the kingdom followed him when he left, I suspected out of fear. But I kept it from you because I was afraid if you found out you would leave, thinking that I was using you or somehow end up in his arms. But when I first saw you I didn't even know you were the pure one; all I knew is that you were the one I would marry, have kids with, and be the next queen of this kingdom." When I looked at him all I saw was honesty and the truth. I knew then that I truly loved him and I hadn't regretted last night.

"Why am I the pure one?"

"All I know is that you have this power of where you can identify the truth and the lies. Other people can get confused between the two, they believe what they want to believe even if it's false. You're the pure one because you do what is right even if it's hard and most people can't do that." I smile a gentle smile and just lean into him, enjoying the silence between us now. We took a bath together and then rode our horses through this beautiful meadow. The whole day was just about us.

I know the truth now and that has token so much weight off of my shoulders. But I still have the duty of picking the right and truthful king. I can't just pick Ashton because even though Issac is a bad guy, he deserves a chance to fight for the throne. He is human and humans make mistakes, splitting up the kingdom could just be one of them. I just hope this all goes calmly; I don't want anybody's life on my hands.


2 weeks later:

The smell of vomit and fruit was all I was smelling. It was overwhelming, but I was glad I hadn't gotten it on my beautiful dress. It was a pale green with red and white flowers on it at the top. It shows some cleavage, but I didn't mind as I with the maids who were all girls.

When I had the first couple bites of the strawberries I had gotten nauseous and had to run to the bathroom or else I would have vomited over all the very expensive and beautiful dresses that I was supposed to try on for the upcoming ball

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When I had the first couple bites of the strawberries I had gotten nauseous and had to run to the bathroom or else I would have vomited over all the very expensive and beautiful dresses that I was supposed to try on for the upcoming ball.

"Miss are you ok?" The maid sounded concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be out in just a minute." I didn't want her telling Ashton. In fact, I didn't want any of the maids telling him because he would freak out and get the doctor to see if I had the plague, but I knew I didn't have it because I didn't have any of the symptoms besides throwing up. This had been going on for a couple of days now and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong.

"Your Highness, the king is on his way with the doctor." Oh shit. Suddenly I'm filled with anger for the maid. How dare she tell Ashton. This my private business, I don't need her going around telling people that I'm sick, when I'm not. She shouldn't have even said anything.

During my silent rant the door bursts open and Ashton walks in and gets on the ground because right now I am just sitting down. He starts stroking my cheek. "You look pale love? Doc, come in here." Ashton helps walk me to the bed because I'm too dizzy to walk by myself.

The doctor comes in and stares at me for a little especially at my boobs; I'm starting to regret the dress. Ashton growls, "Stop staring and tell me what's wrong with my WIFE!" Technically I'm not his yet, but I didn't want to make Ashton more angry by saying that.

The doctor immediately starts checking my temperature and seeing if I have any black spots on me to make sure I don't have the plague. Meanwhile, Ashton sitting next me worried as can be and I just keep rolling my eyes. Why did any of this have to happen? The doctor then gets out his stethoscope and gets to my stomach. He makes a confused then shocked face. He turns to me and Ashton with a smile on his face.

"Your majesties, I hear a heartbeat."

That's when I see everything go dark.


I'm so so so so sooooo sorry for not updating for months on end. A lot of problems came up and I had no way to heal from them. So I had to take some time off, but I am better and the problems aren't bugging me as much as they did before.

I wil try to be updating faster , but I can't promise anything. All I know is that I won't be going this long without updating again.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. You finally have all of the answers to the story of the prophecy. :)

Firefly XOXO

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