Secrets and lies (A.S)

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Mc'kenzie pov

I just got home from work and I didn't see Algee. His car was outside and he usually watches t.v in the living room until I get off. We've been kinda distant but I still love him. I walked upstairs and heard moaning and groaning up in our bedroom.

I tip toed over to the bedroom and peeked through the cracks. I was heartbroken to see Algee knees deep in another woman. I slowly walked out the door and sat in my car. Tears ran down my eyes as the image replayed in my head.

   From the corner of my eye I saw our new neighbor staring at me. He made his way up the the car and knocked on the window. I quickly wiped my tears away and stepped out the car.

"Hey are you alright"

"If I'm being honest no"

"Look I know I'm knew and all but you can always talk to me"

"My boyfriend cheated on me"

"Well a beautiful woman like you deserves better than him"

I blushed and tried to hide my smile but I failed.

"I'm Jacob by the way"


"Well Mc'kenzie if you come hang out with me today I'll show you how a woman is supposed to be treated"


"Come on it'll be fun I promise and I won't hurt you I'm not one of those psychopaths"

"I guess why not"

He escorted me into his house and sat me on the couch.

"Hungry, thirsty, can I get you anything"

"Um can I get a water"

"Alright be right back"

He went into the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles. I got up and looked around his house. I found myself in his bedroom picking up pictures of a younger him.

"I see you took a tour"

I jumped and turned around to see him standing in the door. He handed me a bottle of water and I turned back around to notice that his bedroom was right across from mine. I sat on his bed and he sat next to me.

I looked down at the floor and he lifted my head with his finger. I stared him in the eyes and instantly felt warm inside. His lips looked so soft and plumped I just wanted to kiss him. I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled away and looked me back in the eyes.

He kissed me back and I deepen it. I climbed on top of his lap and removed his shirt. He broke the kiss and stared at me. Jacob took my shirt off and kissed my breast. I pulled his shorts down along with his boxers and I started to grind on him. He smiled and flipped me over onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

I smiled and bit my lip and I crawled all the way to the end of the bed. He chuckled and pulled my shorts down. Jacob worked his way up starting by kissing my thighs. I let out a slight moan and he stopped to smile at me. He pulled my panties down with his teeth and stared at me.

"You dis wet fa me"

I sat up and pulled him up to me and I kissed him. I whispered in his ear in a seductive voice while felt on him.

"I got the stuff to make you fall in love"

He bit his lip and slid in. I moaned loudly and gripped his back.

"Fuck me Jacob"

"Ain't gotta tell me twice"

Jacob went deeper and I screamed out. He pounded inside of me and I tried to push him back so he can ease up but he was too strong.

"Jacob I can't"

"Yes you can princess"

***Thirty five minutes later***

"Jacob I'm about to cu-"

I released all over his dick and shortly after he finished too. I laid on his chest and slowly dozed off. He rubbed his fingers through my curls and kissed my forehead.

"I can take care of you princess"

Algee pov

I walked Alyssa to the door and I saw Mc'kenzie's jeep. I instantly started to panic and I ran to her car. It was empty. She never came in or anything so where was she. I started to call her phone and She sent me to automatic voicemail. I sat on the couch and ate a bowl of fruity pebbles while I watched Martin.

It got dark and I still haven't heard from Mc'kenzie. I checked my phone and it was going on 12. I got up and put my bowl and stuff in the kitchen and Mc'kenzie walked through the door.

"Baby girl where you been I was worried"

"I was at Danielle's"

"But your car was still hear"

"She came to pick me up"


"Yea want me to call her"

"Mater of fact I do"

She took out her phone and face timed Danielle.

"Wassup G"

"Wassup B"

"Tell this goofy ass Nigga I was wit you"

"She was with me, but why the fuck you worried midget she a grown ass woman"

"Thank you Danny"

Mc'kenzie pov

I took my phone off face time and put it to my ear.

"Thanks G"

"No problem B but you owe me"

"I got you Imma get you a family pack of Oreos"

"Aight gotta go"

She hung up and I went upstairs to our bedroom I got in the shower and changed into my pajamas. I climbed in the bed and picked up my phone.

Jacob 😳😖😩
Did you have fun princess.

Princess 😍👅💦
Still a little sore

See you tomorrow have a good night

Algee came in and looked at my phone when I sat it down.

"Who is Jacob"

"My new co-worker"

He tried to unlock my phone with his fingerprint but it.denied him. He also tried to type the password in but it was incorrect. I changed it to keep him from finding out about Jacob.

"What the hell is wrong with your phone"

"It got a virus now give it"

"My fingerprint and the password not working"

My password used to be Algee's birthday 1107 but I changed it. I took it and sat it on the nightstand as I stared out the window into Jacobs house thinking about what happened today.

I like this chapter y'all stay tuned for part 2.

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