keep it 💯

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It was my first day at my new school. Luckly I was doing it alone cause my r.o.d Danielle was starting the same school. This isn't any school it's a school for talented Black teens. They rarely have schools like these and I'm glad we got in.

See Danielle and I came from Detroit. We didn't have anything and everything we wanted growing up to being here it a great opportunity. We were walking through the halls and a group of girls came up to us.

Ryan- Look it's the hood rats of Detroit"

Danielle look at me and gets angry.

Danielle-The fuck this Bitch just say"

"I don't know but she bout to get her ass beat"

They all started laughing and looking at each other.

Ryan-Look just don't get in our way, and we won't have a problem"

They bumped us and walked pass us. Danielle was getting ready to drag her but I stopped her.

"We just got here, we can't ruin it already"

We turned around to spot the girls trying to flirt with a group of boys. The tall freckled face one pointed to us and walked our way.

Danielle- Fuck do they want"

"Ion know bout we bout to find out"

I folded my arms as they came closer.

Keith-Y'all must be the new girls from Detroit"

"Yep now what do you want"

Keith- I just came to welcome y'all here and to tell you that those girl that just left, they get jealous of any new talent that walks in this door especially girls"

"K thanks byeee"

I gave them a stiff wave and turned around. Me and Danielle started walking away but I stopped when I felt a hand on my waist. I usually would've went off but I didn't feel the need to. I liked it.


I turned around and it was a short brown skin boy with pretty brown eyes.

Algee- I'm sorry I didn't mean to touch you"

He took his hand off my waist and I immediately felt cold.

"Its fine"

I bit my bottom lip as I looked him in the eyes.

Algee- I'm Algee bye the way


He smiled at me and I started to blush. Danielle watched from afar an yelled at me.

Danielle- Mc'kenzie lets go"

"Give me second"

I turned around to face Algee again and gave him my phone.

"How bout you give me your number and we continue this conversation later"

Algee put his number in my phone and I walked away. Danielle smacked me in the back of the head when I caught up to her.

"What the hell was that for"

Danielle- we ain't here for niggas

"Shut up freckles was for real checking you out"

Danielle- stop lyin

"Dead ass G"

I got in front of my first class and when I walked in everyone stared.

Mr Mathews-You must be Ms Pearson"


Mr Mathews- sit next to Mr Smith over there, Mr Smith hand"

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