The older guy (2)

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2 months later

"When you coming back to visit me"

"Soon baby girl"

I was on a face time call with Algee. He had just landed in L.A and wanted to tell me He landed safely.

"You know I applied for a bunch of colleges in California"

"And yo smart ass gone get acceptance letters from all of them"

"Thanks babe, but lunch is almost over so I'll call you back"

"Aight, I love you"

"Love you too. Bye"

I hung up and sat my phone down.

"So I got accepted to Harvard"

"I'm so proud of you Danielle, first Cass then Harvard you smart"


"Well I gotta get back to school see you later"

I got in my car and drove back to school. At the end of the day I hurried home to see several cars by my house. I went inside and a bunch of my aunt's and uncles was sitting at the table.

"What's going on yall"

"You got a package"

My mom handed me a orange package with UCLA on it. I opened it and read it slow.

Mc'Kenzie Pearson we are happy to inform you that you got accepted to UCLA. We would greatly appreciate it if you attend this fall.

"Omg mom I got accepted"

"I knew you would baby I'm so proud of you"

"I'll be back I have to call someone"

I ran upstairs into my room and closed the door. I flopped on my bed and quickly facetimed Algee.

"Hey babe wassup"

"I have great news"

"What is it baby girl"

"I'm going to UCLA in the fall"

"Yes see my baby smart, I knew you could do it"

"They gave me a scholarship"

"I love you so much I can't wait, imma be there for you the whole way and help you move. Maybe you can live with me"

"Whoa baby steps"

"Come on don't say you don't want it as bad as I do"

"I do but imma stay in a dorm, but I can always stay a couple nights"

"Whatever you wanna do issa bout you right now"

"This is why I love you Mr Algee Smith"

"It's daddy to you"

"You keep playing you gone be a daddy"

"That don't sound to bad coming from you"

"You funny asf"

"I'm serious, we could make some beautiful children"

"How can I take care of an child when I'm about to go to college"

"Well that is where I come in"

*******Flashback ends********

"I wanna meet you Algee, I wanna see the face of the boy who got my daughter pregnant"

"I'll get a flight out there asap"

"Flight, what you mean flight"

"I live in los Angeles"

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