The older guy

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"Ma I'm pregnant"

"The fuck did you just say"

"I'm pregnant"

"By who, don't tell me it's that Jeremiah boy"


"Then who"


"Who the fuck is that"

"Some one I met a three months ago"

"You fucked a guy you only new for a Three month"


I looked at the floor as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Baby don't cry, I just don't know how two teenagers are gonna take care of a baby"

My phone started to ring and it was Algee.

"Hey G"

"Hey baby what's wrong"

"I told my mom"

"I'm guessing she didn't take it so well"

"She didn't"

My mother stared at me and asked for the phone.

"Algee my mom wants to talk to you"

"You sure about that"

"Just talk to her"

I gave my mom the phone and stared at the ground.

"What's your name child"

"Well Mr Algee how did you meet my daughter"


"Danielle hurry up and order"

"Don't rush me, it's hard to decide when everything looks so good"

"Oh my gosh. Sir I'm so sorry for the wait. I'll have a bacon cheese burger with a side of steak fries"

"What about you ma'am"

"I'll have uhh-"

"She'll have the same thing im having"


The waitress walked away and Danielle kicked me.

"I can order my own food"

"Well it don't seem like it"

"Fine, I'm ordering the desserts"

"Whatever I'm going to the bathroom"

I got up and walked away. I was on my phone so I didn't notice I bumped into someone.

"Aye watch where the fuck you going"

"First of all who you talking to like that"

I looked directly at him and continued to walk to the bathroom. I used the bathroom, washed my hands and fixed my clothes the left out. On my way back to our table I saw the man that I bumped. He was staring me down watching my every move.

"Hurry up"


I sat down and looked back to see the man still looking at me. Danielle's phone started to ring and she got up.

"I gotta take this"

She left out and the short Carmel man made his way to me. He sat down at my table and took a deep breath.

"Look I'm sorry for the way I talked to you earlier"

"And I'm sorry for bumping you"

"I was wondering if I could take you out sometime"

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