In check

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This is a featured story about the beautiful Quincy Brown.


"Bae where is Latisha and Tyreek live"

"Nigga I don't know the fuck I look like a GPS, Google fucking maps"

"First of all who you talking to"

"You nigga. Who else Casper the mutha fucking ghost"

"Okay. Alright say less"

"Less is said. The fuck"

Marianne finished putting on her lip gloss and grabbed her purse.

"I'll be in the car when you done"

She went downstairs and left Quincy upstairs by himself. He called his friend tyreek to tell him to meet up at the restaurant. When he was finished he left the house and got in the car with Marianne.

"Bout fucking time"

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you"

"I'm good the fuck is wrong with you"

"Yo fucking attitude gone get you fucked up"

"Yea Aight drive"

Quincy drove off and a few minutes later they arrived at bucherest grill. They ordered and sat down at a table. About 20 minutes later a pretty light skin waitress brought them their food.

"Here is your chicken shwarma ma'am"

"Thank you"

"And for the tall strong gentlemen a bucherest burger and fries. I added a little extra for you"

She gave him a cute smile and Marianne rolled her eyes. She didn't like the fact that this girl flirted with her man right in front of her. She blanked out for a second as she watched the waitress go on and on. The lady placed her hand on his shoulder. Marianne had totally loss her appetite so she just played with the chicken hanging out the shwarma.

"Bae what's wrong"

She gave no response as she kept staring at the table.

"So you ignoring me now"

She continued to say nothing while looking down at the plate.

"Marianne talk to me. I don't like this silent shit"

Marianne slowly looked up at Quincy.

"Go talk to that bitch"

She says looking at the waitress who was now staring at quincy from across the room. Quincy looked at the waitress and she waved at him. He waved back and that sat Marianne off. She got up and walked out the restaurant and started walking to the bus stop.

Quincy got the food packed up in to go plates and left to look for her. She was no where to be found. He got in his car and drove to all the places she could be. He finally saw her sitting on the disgusting city bus. He honked and tried to get the bus to pull over tho it never did.

He followed the bus all the way to where she got off and followed her. She ended up going to her moms house. He pulled up on the side of her and tried to convince her to get in the car. He drove off and left her to walk. He pulled up in her momas drive way and waited for her to arrive. A few minutes later she walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. Quincy got out the car and ran up to Marianne and grabbed her from behind. It was always her weakness.

"What do you want Quincy"


"Lol very funny"

"I'm dead ass, I want you to talk to me. Tell me what's going on with you. You been angry all damn day for no reason"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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