||Thirty-Six|Stepping Stone||

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"Believe me, this is a chance."
-Trying Your Luck

Finding Julian had been quite the task. She had thought about calling his mother, but wasn't sure if the number had changed. Harlow had even thought about stopping by his apartment, but wasn't brave enough. She wasn't sure what would be worse—knocking on a his door and discovering that Julian and Albert no longer lived there, or worse... they still lived there.

She hadn't spoken to Julian in two years, they were practically strangers now. She didn't know how Julian would feel about her showing up unannounced—a girl he used to have sex with coming back around after he had made something of himself.

But, Harlow knew Julian—she knew he wouldn't think that, she was just scared. Two years was a long time, sure, but Harlow knew they weren't strangers, no matter how much she tried to convince herself that they were. She was sure he was still the same, because she was too, only a little older.

Stacking white chinaware on a tray, Harlow started toward the back of the bar and grill—Tyler, right on her heels. She had managed to dodge many of his advances, but he was persistent.

They had been working together for six months, waiting tables and acting as occasional bartender when the actual bartender called in. He seemed to be a nice guy—genuine and sweet, but Harlow knew too well how deceiving that façade could be. Four years before, Alex had projected those same qualities, he was also a coworker. Needless to say, Harlow learned her lesson when it came to dating boys of the workplace. She'd also learned to never have casual sex with your only friend.

Tyler was a good looking young man, with sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. He had high cheekbones and a defined jawline but his eyes appeared innocent, making his masculine features not as intimidating. He had perfectly straight teeth with a pair of perfect pink lips that set around them.

But... he wasn't Julian.

"I've been meaning to ask you- you, um... you got any plans tonight?" Tyler swallowed hard, staring at the back of Harlow's head as she placed the tray of plates onto the cart.

She smiled weakly, wishing she had a valid excuse to bail this time. At least once a week, Tyler asked her that question, but most of the time, it was phrased differently. He had seemed to catch onto Harlow already having plans—this was his way of trapping her in. As much as she'd like to be annoyed, she was actually quite enticed. There was something endearing about a boy that wouldn't give up on her... something she wished Julian wouldn't have done.

"I'm actually not doing anything tonight." She admitted. Tyler had never asked Harlow her plans before, he'd always just asked her if she'd go out with him. Harlow would always say that she couldn't—she never lied to him—she never falsified prior engagements. She just always said that she couldn't go out with him.

"Really? So... if I asked you if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight... you'd come with me?"

Harlow turned, looking to Tyler with a halfhearted smirk. It felt nice to be admired, she supposed. But, she wasn't ready to give in to Tyler—part of her was still clinging to Julian.

"I like you Tyler, really- you seem like a nice guy, but-"

"You don't like me like that?" Tyler flashed a hurtful smile, one that didn't reach his eyes. He seemed defeated by this.

"It's not that, I just... I still have feelings for someone else. It wouldn't be fair to go out with you and be thinking about someone else the whole time... you know what I mean?"

"Well, you could give me a chance to change your mind. I'm way cooler outside of work, I promise." He chuckled nervously, scratching the nape his neck. "And it's a party, so... if you find out you don't like me, well... you could socialize with other people."

"I'll think about it." She smiled, going back to waiting tables.

And that, she did. She thought about the last time she had gone to a party; who she saw there, standing by a keg, talking to someone—Julian. He hadn't seen her, Harlow had left soon after.

That had been a year ago, before they had released an album, when they were just playing locally at bars and obscure joints. His tall frame was hidden by layers of clothes, sporting a bomber jacket that made him look like he had a slouch. He had a drink in his hand, nodding and listening to the party patron speak—his eyes tired.

She wondered what would've happened had she just walked up to him and asked how he was doing. After everything they had been through—after everything they had admitted. Not to mention the "almost" pregnancy.

She often wondered where they'd be right now had she been pregnant; if Julian would've stuck around, or at least been a good dad. Or if she just would've given him a chance to prove he was serious about... well, being serious. She had been hurt by him so many times that she feared he'd change his mind again.

She didn't just lose a chance at romance, she had lost her best friend.

The more she thought about Julian, the more she started to open up to the idea of starting something new with Tyler. Perhaps she had missed her chance with Julian, but that didn't mean she had to miss another opportunity with someone else. It would go nowhere, she was sure, but maybe he could give her some perspective—occupy her with something other than thoughts of the boy who had got away.

She found Tyler at the register, checking a copy of a receipt. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Hey."

He turned, looking down at the most beautiful girl in the place. "Hey." He smiled.

"So, what time is this party?"

"I could pick you up at eight." He spoke without missing a beat, butterflies already swarming his stomach.

"I'll write down my address. Make it nine." She patted his back, making her way toward the back of the bar.

I'm so sorry this is so short. The next chapter will be much longer, I promise.

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