Potions of Minds

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Harry and Hermione felt odd that morning. They got this irritating itch in their throat and their stomachs felt like jagged glass was cutting them from inside. They decided to ignore it and, if it got any worse, they would go to the hospital wing to see if Madame Pomfrey could help in any way. They sat down at a new table, on this table was the Hogwarts symbol and one bench. This was where they were to eat. It was far different from the other tables besides in size and use. Even the dishes seemed a little more personalized than everyone else's. The two took some pumpkin juice and noticed the odd additional flavor. Ignoring it again they continued by eating the food. Again there was something odd. So, Hermione being curious asked "Does this taste a little..odd...to you?" Harry nodded. His deep emerald green eyes suddenly felt a sting. Hermione thought she saw them flicker to blue for a second. "Are you alright?" She asked. She thought that maybe she was still little tired and that's what it was. However, she was worried that maybe he was getting a headache from his glasses's prescription. The boy nodded. It was already gone in a flash. [1]

When the two were done, they left the hall to go see Madame Pompfrey. She saw them and asked what is wrong. Harry and Hermione tell her their symptoms and she decided to do a quick scan. It wasn't she didn't believe them, but sometimes a student lies to get out of class or someone, namely the famous Weasley Twins, will stick a potion or spell in a student's food.


Two scan charts appeared. She looked over Hermione's first and her eyes went wide.

Injuries: none
Afflicting Potions: Obnoxiousness Potion, Controlling Potion, Responsibility Potion
Spells: Follower spell, Nagging spell

Pompfrey told the girl she would need to sit. She went over Harry's and she went bug eyed.

Injuries: Burns, Cuts, Malnutrition, Damaged Eyes, broken rib, forced *******
Afflicting Potions: Untrusting Potion, Obnoxiousness Potion, Procrastination Potion, Lazy Potion
Spells: Hero spell, Hatred spell

"Oh my! Mr. Potter after we deal with this I would like to talk to you in private, if you please." Harry nodded. "Now, you sit right there, you two. I'm going to cast a quick healing spell on you, Mr. Potter, and a few counter spells on you both. You will also have to drink a few Potions, best you gulp it down quick." The two nodded and began to wonder what did show up on Madame Pompfrey's scan. Harry immediately assumed it may have revealed some of his injuries. The spell for Harry was simple. However, his eyes felt a sting. She casted the counter spells and gave Harry four Potions and Hermione three Potions. She asked if they got their timetables yet and Harry responded "Yes, in our rooms." Pompfrey nodded and shooed Hermione off to get her things for class, giving her a note.

Harry was brought into Pompfrey's office. She looked tremendously troubled. "Harry, how did you accumulate so many injuries?" He looked down. Uncle Vernon said he wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Pompfrey sighed. "Harry, I need to know. Tomorrow I would've noticed some of these symptoms from the yearly check ups at the beginning of the year, which would be tomorrow. Harry, if this is what I think it is, it needs to be handled accordingly." She said, trying to pry an answer out. If it was abuse, she would have to report it to Dumbledore. Then Dumbledore would have to report to the magical child safety division and have child services remove Mr. Potter to a safer home. If he is just terribly clumsy and doesn't want to say it, it would be terribly irresponsible. "He told me not to say anything." Pompfrey immediately felt worry. "He? He who? Mr. Potter, you mustn't hide this. You need to tell me who." Or I'll be forced to bring your head of houses in here...

"But isn't this normal?" Harry asked. Harry always thought orphans were treated this way because Dudley was never treated like this. It couldn't have been solely because he was magical and his mother and father's child. After all, they spoiled his cousin rotten! Dudley was their child, so the love would go to him, correct? "Mr. Potter, what do you mean? This much harm untreated is highly abnormal for any child in a safe environment! Who in Merlin's name did this to you?" Pompfrey practically screeched. "It is?" Harry asked aloud. "Mr. Potter, you can trust me. However, in order for me to prevent further wounds and other such injuries, I must know what is the cause." Harry thought on about it. If he told Madame Pompfrey, there's a chance he may escape the house of devilish blonde wigs.

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