The Christmas of All Christmas

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Note: I'm going to add pictures of clothing when I mention Lucy Riddle and younger Lyra. Also, I know some clothing looks odd considering she's around 70 but there's an explanation for that. Thank you.

It was the last Hogsmeade visit and the last chance to get gifts. Hermione-Estella and Harry-Varian were excited for this year. While many thought Harry should stay for protection, he argued Sirius Black would expect him to stay, after all, why wouldn't he if he lives with muggles? They took his excuse and put it in the back of his mind. The two hybrids gave his mother's portrait a greeting as he escorted the young half-blood witch to the group. This has become a trend that McGonagall and the other teachers found routine. Harry would walk Hermione to the group and he would wish her farewell, might give her a list occasionally for school supplies they were running low on every once in a while. McGonagall smiled every time she saw the two walking together. She didn't like assuming things, mind you, but they acted like a couple. Flitwick argued that they looked like the twins but you'd never know. Hermione went off with the group, already silently cursing at the cold.

The small village was the same as before, unchanged. She finally thought of the perfect gift for her aunt and the order for Queenie just came in yesterday. She just needed a few more ingredients and she would be able to brew it. After that, she will more than likely find some sweets to snack on. That's how most of her visits wents, her snacking in the corner, occasionally met by one the professors or another adult who just loved hearing about her school time. As she's there, she updates to see how Varian to doing. She looked confused in public but she didn't care. What did Fred and George give him?

Back with Varian as Harry, he had walked into the twins... or rather, they finally found him. They called it an early Christmas present, Fred saying they'll miss it but saying his needs are greater than theirs. They're talking about Sirius Black. They gave him the map and then George said: "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."
The paper began looking like a map, the ink spreading. On the paper said, "The Marauders Map" with names. Above the title was the names in bold. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map.

A picture of Hogwarts appeared, the roads made of words as well as the devil tree that could kill anyone. Harry opened it and it was brilliant. There in ink was the entire castle and in amazement, he could see Dumbledore's name and he was pacing.

"This is bloody brilliant."

The two gave him the warning to say 'Mischief Managed' when he was done using it. Harry-Varian thanked them and finally after maybe a few second of hiding it away, the girls found him. They dragged him off to the Library, Ginny saying "Don't steal my friend, you two!" She huffed about it and Luna giggled at her complaining. After helping them finish their potions essays, Harry-Varian had to go to Professor Lupin one last time before the break.

When Hermione returned, she headed up to her room to wrap and hide all the gifts that hadn't been delivered quite yet. She let her glamour down to show she was who she truly was, Estella Rose Potter. Harry-Varian joined her, taking off his Glamour, once he returned. She let Varian see what she had bought her aunt for Christmas and Varian said she'll love it. After that, it was fun and games with a few book sessions as well as practice on the mind Magics. They had mastered telepathy but they still had to learn Occlumency and Legilimency. If they master all three, or at least Occlumency, they'll have a great defense on their mind.

They packed their things and headed for the train. Luna, Ginny, And Queenie joined them. Queenie said it was because her friends were arguing over muggle relations and she wasn't one for that kind of political talks. The ride in all had been full of excitement and joy, the four girls talking away as Harry-Varian watched. He began to ponder halfway through the ride what people thought about him. He can't deny that he doesn't exactly look for male friends nor makes an effort to, seeing as his friends were all girls. Formerly, he knew Ginny had a small crush on him but after last year it seemed to settle into just being his good friend; Estella had always been his good friend and most of the school assumed they were together, which was far from the truth; Luna was someone they found in trouble and probably doesn't help that he already had won over two girls to his side, making this seem, stranger; and despite the fact she is his 'cousin' in the eyes of those know him only as Harry Potter, there was room for rumors as he had read that cousins marrying were a typical thing in Pure Bloodlines. The more he thought about it, anyone who had no idea about his sexuality probably thought he was a player like his soulmate but somehow was gaining harem instead of pissed off young witches. It probably didn't help that Blaise had made it clear he, at the very least, was friendly with the young Grim. Varian could only sigh, as while his suspicions could be true, he could never regret the relationships he's made even if one or two betray him in the end.
Hermione-Estella cuddled against him in on the train, falling asleep. She could feel his stress from all his thoughts and she has heard one or two rumors about his suspicions. It was not worth thinking about, in her own opinion, but that was his mind. Upon her consciousness drifting, she finally found peace from unnecessary thoughts.

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