Something is...K-Niney

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(Get it? K-Niney? Fishy?)

It was the Hufflepuff VS Gryffindor. Only true fans of Quidditch in Slytherin house ever went to games like this. This included a young vampire in year three by the name Blaise Zabini. The young lad never sided with a team, much like the other small group of Slytherin who like him, loved a game of Quidditch. He managed to drag his best mate, Draco, along. Draco was the Seeker for Slytherin since last year his father bought the whole team new brooms that had great speed.

The group was watching Ginny's brothers since they were awesome. They're a little worried because of all the dementor's but they shouldn't hurt students...the Ministry wouldn't let them, right? Remus Lupin chuckles at the young Potter who was really a Riddle.
"Excited, are you?" Harry blushed. "Yeah, so what?" He puffed his cheeks and Hermione giggled with Ginny while Luna just laughed before laying her head against Ginny's shoulder. "You're father was passionate about this sport. Shame you can't join a team due to your housing." The man said to the young glamoured student. "Although, I do have an idea. You seem to have a knack for DADA, Harry. How about I give you extra lessons; teach an advance light spell?" Remus asked the boy. Harry's eyes glimmered. "I'd greatly appreciate that Professor!" Harry replied. "Fantastic, now if you'll excuse me, I have papers to grade." Professor Lupin replies before leaving the area to grade papers in his office.

Harry watched the game for a long time. Hermione greatly wished she too could go on a broom and play. The same could be said for Harry. Queenie was nearly laughing at their oddity. She never understood the appeal but she knew she was good at it; she herself just didn't enjoy the sport.
Time went on and the game was coming to an end. Harry-Varian was getting tired...and it was a bit chilly. Could the Dementor's give the school a break on game days? No.
The game was getting boring as it was dragging on. That was until Harry-Varian noticed a dog. This dog was not Fang... who was the dark and brooding creature? He looked like the dog from that night...
"Harry, what are you doing?" Ginny asked. Luna looks over gives a sweet smile to the dog. Her eyes twinkled, as if she had a knowing look to her; but Luna couldn't have known the dog. Perhaps she understood Harry's fascination? Hermione sighs and says "The dog from the bus? How in the world did he get here?"

Harry shook that off. Perhaps he likes Harry? Dogs have been known to look for their owners despite any distance...
Harry-Varian held his hand out and without sniffing his hand, the dog leaned into it. Varian gave the dog's fur soft strokes as he gave him pets. The group seemed to calm down as the boy liked the dog. The softness of the dog was unbelievable. Luna wouldn't pet the k-nine but Ginny And Hermione joined.

(I just realized, if Harry wasn't gay in this he'd be a fucking charmer.)

As they kept this up, they were called by McGonagall. It appeared she had something to tell Harry-Varian. They left the dog.

When the game was over...the dog was gone. Harry-Varian went to his the ROR and asked for a place to think and study. A nice room appeared. Varian let his glamour down and it revealed his true self. He had his books he wanted to read up on.

While Harry-Varian was in the ROR, Hermione-Estella was in the library. She was currently reading one of the new arrivals from her favorite author on transfiguration magic. She had a blush covering her face, the rosy pink noticeably apparent to anyone who could look her way. Some time earlier while Harry-Varian was taking his lesson from Remus, Hermione-Estella found Draco Malfoy asking about the same books. Seeing as she earlier asked her hold this specific copy, as Pince would only hold one book per student, he couldn't get it. He huffed but to her greatest surprise, he mumbled "I'll just check it out when they're done. They're my favorite author." While it was obvious he was trying to guilt trip Pince, it didn't work. Once he was gone, she picked up the book and got a couple other books. She still couldn't believe Draco Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy, liked the same author as her. Even if he was guilt tripping Pince, it was obvious he liked the author because he strictly wanted the books written by them.

She went back to the book, and couldn't help but have a heavenly sigh that ended in sadness. Her mate, crush, could never like her as she is now, maybe not even as Estella. They're might be a chance if he gets his own creature inheritance but she was doubtful. He was a pureblood and she was a halfblood witch who was also half Mer. She couldn't see him even giving her a chance if he was without a creature. It was preposterous to think he would ever do so. She had dirtied blood and you're only considered pure if you're after four generations of witches and wizards, no muggles or squibs in either of those four. She wanted to groan but that would be a bit inappropriate for a library. Instead she kept reading, trying to coax herself out of her horrid thoughts.

After twenty minutes she decided to get up and find Varian, he had to be out by now. She updated herself and shivered at the imagery of the lesson. She smirked at the information and without a word, left with her books to the ROR. She began to ponder something though, where has her cat Crookshanks been up to? She still sees the furry and grumpy looking feline in the morning and right before she sleeps but she hasn't she seen Crookshanks during the day for quite awhile. Occasionally she will see her cat around the castle at night and usually it's from the direction on Hagrid's hit. She was wondering if her cat was visiting Norberta or if Hagrid was spoiling her cat. Either way, it was the only assumption she had, however, she once saw her cat with dog that wasn't Fang. It was the same dog as the one at the game. She couldn't help but wonder who's dog it was, perhaps an older dog of Hagrid's? Or maybe one of the professors recently adopted one? She knows McGonagall sure didn't.

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