Down the Snake Pit?

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A/n ~ Hey guys who is ready for rushes chapters! XD I'm going to be clear, I am gonna be more detailed during third year. THIRD YEAR is going to be big.

"Oh my.." Hermione and Harry were looking at Mrs. Norris. "We need to alert Mr. Finch immediately! They're closer than my parents are to their jobs!" Hermione screeched, practically. Harry agreed. "No doubt. Maybe he's in his off-" "What are you screeching my name about for.." Mr. Finch's voices drawled out. His eyes looked up. There, hanging and very still, possibly dead, was his beloved Mrs. Norris. His face turned into a scowl but what worried Harry and Hermione? It was the one and only message on the walls.

"The Chamber of Secrets been opened
enemies of the heir...beware."

The message was written in blood and Harry really hoped it wasn't Mrs. Norris's. The halls began to fill and everyone stared in shock. Mr. Finch himself was on the verge of tears. Draco Malfoy, believing he had to say it, said "That means you, mudbloods." Hermione flinched at the word. She had never really minded hearing it but under this specific context she did not like it.

It was a terrible Hallowe'en.

Hermione and Harry were going through Hermione's "Moste Potente Potions" when they heard the news. That annoying but sweet boy named Colin Creevey had been petrified. They checked on him and they checked his camera. Nothing.

"So have you heard?" That night Lyra was excited. "Heard what?" Harry asked. He hoped it was positive, he couldn't take any more bad news. Neither could Hermione. "The Ministry just established a Living Portrait Day!" Hermione blinked. "What's that about?" Hermione asked and following from Harry was "And why?" Lyra giggled. "It's for portraits with people inside. When people make living portraits they capture the person or people in the portraits as they are, encasing them. However this new holiday is in a way to celebrate the dead you could say. For a day the portraits will be under the revival spell. It's spell that gives limited time to the departed through items or portraits. So for a day me and all the others get to walk around!" Hermione smiles and Harry said "That's great! Both you and your father would enjoy that!" Lyra put a soft smile on her face, not showing the disgust she had. "Yep! Now, you're worried about something! What is it, my dear Hybrids?" Harry blinked. She was extremely surprising at times like this. "Someone opened a chamber. Mrs. Norris and Colin Creevey have been petrified." Hermione said to the lovely girl in the portrait. "Oh dear, Axel is at it again isn't he? The poor starving creature..." Lyra gave a sorrowful expression about whoever this Axel was. Who was Axel? "Axel?" They questioned the girl.

"Hehe oh Axel is the school's guardian! However, his pathway to food is blocked... so he must've processed himself to eat in the castle. He did the same in my fifth year. I was 16 with my boyfriend, Tom. Tom cleaned the mess up sloppily, but that's how the cookie crumbles. Someone opened the chamber but someone else in my house was blamed, mainly because he always brought creatures in the castle! I always forget his name...he was expelled and they snapped his wand. If I remember when 16 year old me said correctly, they believe it was a magical spider...I forget what they're called. Terrible creatures! Well...for me, anyway. I'm not the biggest fan of any spider except Spider Lillies."

They looked at each other and wondered what the guardian could be. "Oh, one more thing about Portraits day! It's during Christmas! I think it'll soon be passed off as a Tradition rather than a holiday, don't you?" Hermione nodded. "It would make sense." Harry furrowed his eyebrows. Why did she go back to that topic so quickly? "Heh, I'll be able to actually touch you two! That and I haven't touched anything but what's in this portrait for a long time!" She chirped. Well, that did answer his question! " you think the library has books on living portraits?" Hermione asked. "Yes, plenty! Why?" Hermione grinned. "This 'Portrait's Day' has gotten me interested!"

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