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Classes went by sooner than expected and soon classes became days then days became weeks. It was Halloween night and Harry was trying to decide if he would stay long. He would drop in at dinner for food, but anything besides that was terrible. He rather just curl up in bed with a book ignoring what day it is. To everyone else, it is Halloween; to Harry, it is the day he lost his parents. Harry was thinking of faking sickness but they'd probably send him to Madame Pompfrey. So, he explained to Hermione his situation and they went about class exceedingly quiet. They acted as normal as two students could and when charms came around...

"Remember, technique! Swish and flick!" Professor Flitwick repeated. "Wingardium Leviosa!" was repeated throughout the room. Seamus had it blow up in his face. Ron Weasley kept pronouncing it wrong and it got on the two students nerves and said "It's wing-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa not wing-GAR-dee-um levi-o-SA!" Then they demonstrate by casting the spell together. "Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger have done it! Ten points for each of you!" Hermione and Harry gave a smug look. Harry had to admit, it felt good to be recognized for their efforts. When class was over, however, Hermione and Harry heard what Ron said and decided to both head to bed early...until they were stopped by the painting.

"What causes stinging salty water in your eyes, Little Gryffinclaw? And makes your fists rattle like the chains in Filch's office, Proud Slytherdor?" Asked Lyra Dumbledore. [1]Honestly she was their guidance counselor at this point. "Weasel called us know It all's." Hermione said with no remorse for the boy. Lyra chuckled. "Sounds like someone has had too much jelly on their bread and not enough peanut butter. Don't let it get you down, it shows how serious you are about your education. When I was with my...mother...s-she always said that intelligence could be the difference between surviving and dying. So like a Phoenix, rise from the ashes of this small insult and see it as a source to go on." [2] Hermione and Harry liked her advice. She never said anything outright, but she said it in a way that made you understand what she meant. Sometimes she'd stutter but they didn't mind, the painting only captured who you are then. So her stutter over words? It showed her age, a simple student.

"Thank you, Lyra." She looked at the two lovingly. "Now why don't you go down to dinner? It's always beautifully decorated with Magic's excitement from devil faces to the delicious food." They smiled. "Alright, Lyra. You're right." Hermione said and then Lyra stopped them and said "I know you two have been learning about Telepathy, try it during dinner. It'll help to be doing it when you're in a state of comfort." The two left in newfound excitement, leaving her alone again. Then she heard a pattern of nervous feet. Or not so much...

"Sir I'm sure-" "Good Evening Professor Quirell." Lyra said to the shaky man. "O-Oh M-Ms. D-Dumbledore good to h-hear you." He seemed nervous. "Aren't you going to join everyone in the Great Hall?" Lyra asked. "O-Oh no I h-have to ch-check on s-something be-before I d-do." Lyra nodded hummed. As he walked she said "And careful, I may be out of his reach for all time but I will find a way to hex you in your afterlife if he is hurt by your clumsiness, Eagle Host." He shivered. "You know..." he breathed in. "Hah! He's one serpent that could never hide from me, no matter what scheme he plays." [3] Her blue eyes had this chilling look and Quirell walked away. She wouldn't tell Dumbledore, right?

The two tried to firm the link while they ate and it was not as difficult as they had originally thought. Hermione cried, she was seeing his memories. [4] Harry almost cried, she had warm hearted parents. Hermione was shifting through every slash, hit, name, chore, and bite. She took his hand from under the table.

Harry...I'm so sorry you have to go through that!
It's okay. I deserve it.
No, you don't! Harry what they're doing is wrong!
Then why would they-they're jealous Harry! They want what you have but they don't so they need to stomp you to make them feel batter.
I'm glad you're my friend Hermione.
Yeah- [5]

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon! I just thought you should know..." he fell forward.

A troll?
What the hell?!
I've fainted several times and it was always backwards.
Actually I think his foot is twitching...
What is going on? [6]

"All students report to Prefects and go to your dormitory. Slytherins and Hybrids stay here." Dumbledore said. A few minutes later we heard two boys scream. Then we noticed the points deducted from Gryffindor. Idiots as always. After a little time the troll is taken care of. Hermione sighed in relief and they went to their dormitories. Hermione and Harry thought of one thing.

That teacher can't be trusted!

Her eyes were focused on her book. She had received a project in Potions and she had the research half. Her partner, a Slytherin named Tom Riddle, had to take care of the potion itself. Right now it was Halloween night. Another cry was heard from the Slytherin group who hated Tom, which was most of them. Everyone called him a mudblood.

Everyone but Lyra Dumbledore. [7]

Lyra was very kind to the boy and borderline obsessed with him. They shared secrets. It was luck that they were partners for the assignment. She would probably even trust him in a Telepathy Bond if he wanted to. Why bring that up? The potion they were assigned is used to reveal polyjuice users, imperioed victims, and Telepathics. She liked the research she found, couldn't wait to share it with Tom. Her one thought. She knew to the very least he had to be a halfblood due to his talent he showed her, his use of parceltongue. [8]

The clock chimes for dinner and she sighed. More time with fools and idiots. Well, mostly fools and idiots. Minerva wasn't too foolish nor idiotic. She could be naive, however. She put the book away and headed to the great hall. She was stopped by Tom. "Anything interesting about the potion?" She grinned. "Yes, it reveals the user in different ways. It's often used to reveal someone using polyjuice, is under imperio, and telepathic bonds. It's a common potion made in the Ministry." She informed him. He smirked, quite happy with the information. Then he struck him, telepathic bonds? "Telepathic bonds? What is that?" She giggled. "I figured you wouldn't know. Not many students do, it's a mind magic no one cares for. Telepathy is the use of two or more wizards or witches bonding their minds and allowing the ones in the bond entree to each other's minds. It far simpler than the other five mind magics and allows the telepathics to communicate from far distance and silently. They're is a few conditions, like how your thoughts and memories are available to those you bond with." He shivered at 'memories'. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, Tom?" [9]She asked. "How can anyone trust someone that much?"  She smiled. "Why do fish schools stay together?" He looked into her blue eyes with his brown ones and could only think of one thing. "Survival?" She nodded. "Yes, my dear Snake. Survival is the number one reason users make the telepathic bond. It's normally between siblings, extremely close friends, or mates. It's hardly ever made with anyone else." Tom smiled at her. He didn't know what this feeling from his chest was but he was addicted to it, and it was only there when he was around Lyra. His little lioness. [10]

He liked that idea.

Editor's Notes:
1 ~ I love how she isn't using their names yet it still feels like she's the concerned and loving guardian.
2 ~ she really is catching interest. Also, I'm interested in who this 'mother' is. 😏
3 ~ Oh my... she has another face. The way she went from sweet to threatening was quick, like lioness protecting her cubs. And you can feel her love for Tom Riddle through this. The fact she already knew what was going on makes me believe she was aware of Tom's shenanigans while at school.
4 ~ Prepare your tear ducts Hermione!
5 ~ become the mama bear Hermione
6 ~ I love how observant he is being. While it comes off comedic, he is showing how he notices those things. The troll? They're all together so he isn't scared.
7 ~ was she just the enigma of Hogwarts? Or did she stalk him? I'm honestly curious on why she knows already. Was she with her father that day and made the assumption that he had to be, at the very least, a halfblood?
8 ~ that answers most of my questions except how she knew. Did she go with her father that day or did she hear him when he was really pissed one day?
10 ~ I CANT BREATHE BELLA! And I love how he isn't downright thinking he loves her, seeing as he can't. You're bringing it off as he is obsessed with who she is which is probably the closest we'll ever see him love. Also... HIS LITTLE LIONESS AGGGHHH

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