Train Ride to Hell

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Varian and Estella were upset to say the least. Yet their only friend they trusted with this information was Ginny Weasley. She wouldn't say a word and burned the letter after reading it, leaving nothing but ashes. A letter about them. Ginny's reply was quite simple and two separate versions.

Dear Harry, or in private I guess I should call you Varian,
What the actual bloody hell?! There's a chance...a significant chance that Dumbledore switched you and Estella? I guess that's not the biggest surprise for me but I can only imagine the surprise and anger you must feel. I'm surprised yet not to find out you're related to Tom...I mean you both have the ability to speak to snakes and open the chamber. Sorry if that comes off...not the best, I'm still trying to process this fact. I promise I won't say a word to no one. I burned the letters like both you and Estella asked. I will see you on the platform.
Your friend, Ginny

Dear Hermione,
or should I just call you Estella now?
I can hardly believe that's what happened! I guess not everyone is as they appear to be. I always thought Dumbledore was grandfatherly but if both you and Harry..(I should call him Varian now?) believe he is the one to switch you and him, then I believe you. I will side with you Both. You deserved to know your family. You both did and it was cruel to separate either of you from them. I will see you on the platform.
Your friend Ginny

The two held onto her words. She hasn't truly betrayed them once. Sure she had let Axel out but was that really her? Not really. Most might say she had some intimate-feeling to Harry but honestly, it was more so genuine admiration. Varian did understand her meaning. "I'm still trying to process this fact." He was glad he wasn't losing a friend but she was going to need time to process and get passed his lineage.

That morning they were still upset but didn't let the public know. Varian wasn't who he knew he was, to everyone he was Harry James Potter son of the people who were his best friend's biological parents. Estella was just the-boy-who-lived's best friend who they remained true to when things were thick or thin, Hermione Jean Granger. She made her parents alert about her knowing. They explained how they didn't want to tell her because they felt it would build a wall between them. She was left upon their door after Mrs. Granger had an accident and caused the miscarriage of their real daughter. Estella understood as she would most likely do the same. She still wished they could have told her but the bandaid was already pulled. She still loved them. They built her into the girl she was today. Every lesson, every moral, and her environment allowed her to blossom academically. There was no need for Estella to be angry. She showed them her inheritance and they were shocked by the news. It didn't change their feeling and obligations much. They still wanted the best for her. They decided that when they adopted her.

So now there's Ginny, giving them a bear hug. She still felt odd since the reveal but she wouldn't let it show, to the best of her ability, because these facts about their heritage shouldn't change a single thing. Harry-Varian was the one who saved her. He gave her advice about school when her brothers just brushed her off. Both Hermione-Estella and Harry-Varian let her sit with them and hang around them. To her this was special because her brothers forgot her after day one. She never realized how significant this was on a wider spectrum. Hermione-Estella and Harry-Varian had never hanged out with anyone but themselves mostly. Harry-Varian only hanged out with one other person...oh no.

Varian thinking back, his mate was this very person. He, in that seat as Ginny and Hermione spoke, thought about Blaise. Would Blaise even want Varian? He was Slytherin's playboy. What if Blaise had no care for a significant other? A mate?

He went out of thought when he felt a chill.... was that man always there...

The man was covered up and had a suitcase with him. He must've been a teacher. Varian felt this naturally dark energy from him...there's no way he was a dark wizard. However there was his name on his suitcase that was a bit suspicious. Remus J. Lupin.

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