The Remaining Year and Home

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If you couldn't tell, I'm skimming through the events because I want to show how the Dursley's and the Granger's act.

The days went by fast. Hermione was told by Dumbledore that the dragon could stay because it is against Magical Law to separate a familiar and its master or mistress for more than two weeks. It is just as unlawful for them to be killed when the master or mistress is alive as well. However, they decided it would be safer to have Hagrid take care of him while Hermione is away for classes. During her free time she goes to the hut to bond more with her familiar who Hagrid helped name. His name was Norbert.

She learned with Hagrid how to care for Norbert and learned that the Dragons Reserve will take care of him when she leaves for the summer. She will need to set up times to see Norbert which can be manageable. Dumbledore even had a former student, who just happened to be that ugly Weasley boy's older brother. He was a dragon tamer. She decided maybe he wasn't like his brother so there shouldn't be too much trouble.

Because he would have to escort her from her muggle home to the Reserve.

Fluffy likes the two's sneaky visits. They did notice blood on his teeth and saw Snape had a limp. They confronted Hagrid, as they were still curious and still suspected Professor Quirell, however, that doesn't rule out a possibility of an accomplice. When they asked, Hagrid said he was one of the teachers guarding which they question him more. He slipped out that what was in there was between Nicolas Flamel and Albus Dumbledore.

It took them weeks just to get information. However they were separated for Christmas. Harry was lonely without Hermione. He did like the decorations, though. He saw very few stayed. Only one Slytherin stayed, something to do with his mother. It was one Blaise Zabini. Seeing as the only Gryffindor was the Weasel...he sat with his other house. It wasn't against the rules, besides everyone was sitting at one table anyway. As it would turn out, they both had a love for Quidditch. Harry was a little bummed out however, as he could never play while he's a student here. It wouldn't be fair for either house.

On Christmas Day he was actually given presents! Hermione gifted him a book on how to prepare for Occulmency. The title was called: "How to Begin Proper Training Into Protecting the Mind" by Tiana Prince. He was surprised, however, to find more than one gift. There was one from Blaise, and a note. The note explained that he knows they haven't really been friends long probably shouldn't have, but got him a gift anyway. It was a book on the History of Quidditch. He smiled. What was odd again was another gift with a letter. It was full of mint candy and 'dentist' gum. In the present was also a journal. He opened the letter and found it was from Hermione's parents. They explained they were thankful for him being Hermione's friend and a few other regards. He would put the journal to good use. There was one final present with another letter. It was a blanket or something however he learned quickly it made the wearer invisible. Whoever had given it to him didn't put their name.

When everyone returned, the two only owled each other or occasionally were partnered up for potions. Harry had fought a blush a few times..he really didn't understand what was going on with him around Blaise. He knew the guy was becoming the Slytherin Playboy. They did figure out it was the (Sorcerers) Philosopher's Stone that was being protected. Hermione and Harry knew they had to stop Quirrell. They didn't know why him of all people would do it but he knew that one night...Snape looked pissed at him for something. There was no way Snape was guilty, even if Harry would like him to be.

However the funniest part was the fact that Hermione realized she read about Nicolas Flamel on a card from the chocolate frog sweets.

That night the two went to the trap door under Fluffy. The cutie was asleep so they felt bad that they couldn't play with him. They eased the dog off the trap door and went inside. "Well....that part was eas–" Harry was cut off when they fell down to a trap. It wasn't hard to escape the plant. They just cast incendio. They ran to the next room...

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