Aunts the Word, Moms the shooked

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Harry-Varian was still not able to stomach talking to his technically mother so he walked passed her again, Hermione-Estella mouthing sorry then promising she would have to get those two talking. Harry-Varian had no idea what he was missing. The chance that boy had. She had no pictures of her parents, much less a living portrait. It may not be able to touch him but by Merlin's beard he could at least still talk to his mother!

Hermione-Estella sighed. She needed to keep things straight in her head. A reminder, to say. Estella was only Estella. She wasn't the controller nor should she try to control Varian. She could face her technically adoptive parents about what she knew because she knew them. She though back to Queenie. She used Queenie as a way to remember it'll take time. She was by Estella's guess, her cousin. Which means her aunt must've moved without the goblins knowing at the time they visited. Queenie...why in the name of Circe did her aunt name her Queenie? Who's name was ever Queenie in the span of ever?!

(Cough* Fantastic Beast *cough)

As they entered the hall they sat down and noticed Ginny with Luna. Something was not right. Harry-Varian motioned them over. "What happened?" Ginny sat the frazzled Luna Lovegood down and said "Her housemates cast a mean hex on her things. I found her and talked to Professor Flitwick on our way here. He wasn't pleased." Hermione-Estella responded with a very high tone of her Gryffindor side coming out "Good, they're in the same house there's no real to chicken house someone due to oddity or difference." Ginny looked at her weirdly. "Chicken house?" Harry-Varian spoke up "Its a phrase we use to say a chicken is being bullied out of a coop. The Chicken House Bully. They peck and hurt and isolate the chicken until they kill it or the caretaker of the chickens puts the chicken somewhere else." Ginny nodded. What an odd analogy.

(That my 7th grade Science teacher taught)

"But do feel free to sit with us, Luna. The teachers really don't mind as long as everyone sits in their house tables at the important feasts." Luna smiled back and all four of them spoke to the other, their teachers coming by with their schedules. Flitwick smiled, seeing Hermione and Luna sitting together. They were his eagles afterall. Harry-Varian and Hermione-Estella has received theirs again in their dorms. Harry-Varian could hardly wait for Divination and Care for Magical Creatures.

Harry-Varian and Hermione-Estella felt odd again. It was the food...

Not again...
It would appear we have them attempting this again.
You mean y-
Yes, Dumbledore.

Harry-Varian pushed away and stopped Hermione-Estella from saying 'your Grandfather'. He didn't really process it well and quite frankly if there were any guesses, it was as if he erased it from his mind or is ignoring this fact for another day. What was so very wrong?

Then the letters dropped in by the owls. Harry-Varian oddly enough...had one not from Hedwig but a Golden snowy owl. It had older features and was actually a male. Harry-Varian opened it to find it was from someone very different and unexpected. He expected her to ignore the letter but it had appeared she did not.

Dearest Varian,
I am both quite overwhelmed and relieved to hear you're alive. Your father truly lost it when we all thought we lost you. His opinions on muggles grew deadlier and his ambitions turned into dark times for most not on his side or out of his way. If he knew what the goblins have told me, well I dare say he would grow in shock and guilt as well as regret would pile on his mind. Varian, if I may ask, how would you feel about spending the Holidays with me this year? I know this sounds a bit sudden and early, but I want to see you. The last time I saw you, you were barely a few days old and resting in your mother's arms. Varian, I implore you, if you wish to know anything at all about your mother or father, ask me. I will do my best to answer should I have it. Before I end this letter, I must ask a few questions. What house did you get sorted into? Do you have any friends, if so what are their names? I'll await your owl.

Love, Your Aunt Lucy

P.s. I better not hear of any excessive rule breaking.

Harry-Varian smiled at the letter. He knew a few things already about his Aunt from the goblins. She was a Squib and an Astronomer.

"Who's that from?" Ginny asked. Harry-Varian contemplated on saying it there however he could always say it was from his aunt, none could be the wiser. As far as anyone knew, he lived with his relatives and could think it from "Aunt Petunia". He decided to go with that and said "It's just from my Aunt." He didn't mean to add emphasis.

They nodded and then Hermione-Estella and Harry-Varian went to the nurse. Yet again she found the ill conducted potion uses and fixed it. They left and went to get their things for their classes when Hermione-Estella nudges Harry-Varian to talk to Lyra.

You have to talk to her sometime, Varian.
Hey, if I can tell my adoptive parents I knew the truth then you can tell her. That and I'm not letting you leave this hall. You can ignore the awkwardness of new luggage, but she's your mother. She can talk to you, but only if you let her.
You're right, Stell, I'll just suck it up.

For a moment he though of running but walked up to his mother's portrait.

"Finally, what was so alarming about your inheritance that you haven't talked to me until now, little hybrids?" She said, quite happy. Harry-Varian sighed and rubbed the back of his neck... " see..." Seeing the awkwardness, Estella spoke up. "We went through the creature inheritance and found more than we bargained for." Lyra cocked her eyebrow. "More than you bargained for? Multiple creatures maybe? Or...did you find you're not who you thought?" Estella nodded. "The latter." The girl in the portrait for a moment copied The Scream. "Oh dear, that's terrible! Did you find who your real parents are?" She nodded. "Yes, yes we did find out our real parents names."

Varian felt butterflies were trying escape his stomach. How could he say this? He wouldn't be surprised if he got sick mid-sentence. "Really, Who?" Lyra asked. "Well, we found out Varian and I were switched out. My biological parents were Lily and James Potter." The portrait girl slapped a hand to her face quickly in shock. "Oh my goodness! What about you Harry?"

Varian began to mumble. Estella rolled her eyes. "Sorry he's nervous." Lyra tilted her head. "Why?" She was in wonder as to why he was so nervous. She was a little distraught seeing she was right, Hermione was supposed to be Estella but who was Harry then? "I'll say it. Lyra...he's your child."

The room got silent. Lyra could shake off the surprise and stuttered out "V-Varian?"

Was she ready to hear this? Nope.

They saw the time after the peaceful quiet and quickly hit their books and quills and hurried to their classes.

Tom was in a meeting with his death eaters. They had done well avoiding violence so far, despite some followers insisting so. As Lyra would say 'Reckless baboons'. She was actually a few months along now. Those many anti-aging potions that Lyra and Lucy were a fan of worked wonders for them, the only side affect being insomnia but with Lucy's nightly workings as an astronomer and Lyra's constant letters to other Magical Creatures Professionals as well as her frequent insults and complaints to the Ministry, she also took care of many Magicak creatures. This included injured Unicorns, Bowtrunkles, thestrals, and many others. So as the meeting grew longer....the closer he felt he should warn the people in the room however it would seem Lord Malfoy beat him to it. "We should hurry this along or continue this next session. Some of us have a pregnant woman back home who would kill everyone in this room should this be prolonged any longer." Tom, as Voldemort, nodded in agreement.

So as it ended...he really hoped his wife was napping, not angrily grooming the a unicorn's mane again.

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