The School is having a Sleepover

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Warning: Some light Mature Scenes included in this chapter.

Hermione-Estella sent her new cat to get McGonnagal since she was closest from where they were. A few minutes later, Crookshanks returned with silver tabby. The silver tabby returned to McGonagall, as that was her Animagus. She looked shocked. "What happened?" She asked them, her eyes nearly piercing their souls. "We went to go to our dorms when we found Glinda wasn't in her portrait, as well as the huge gash." She nodded to Hermione when Lyra yelled "Professor, over here!" The three, with Hermione's pet, hurried over to Lyra's portrait. There, crying on her shoulder, was Glinda. "What happened?" She, yet again, asked but to the poor portrait woman. In a sobbing voice, the soft spoken woman said "It was Sirius Black. He's back! He's back!" She turned to the two hybrids in a snap. "Follow me to the Gryffindor Common Room. You'll be safer in there." She rushes the two on towards the tower.

The Fat Lady looked surprised to say the least. "Professor, What is wrong?" McGonagall replied "At this moment I cannot say but you'll most likely know soon with how much you portraits gossip away." She recited the pass and the Fat Lady let them inside. Many Gryffindors were surprised, especially Ginny. One of the prefects asked "Professor, what is wrong?" She looked at her and said "Something happened to their living quarters. I'll leave them here for now until I receive further instructions from the Headmaster." The Prefect nodded and Ginny ran towards Hermione and Harry. "Are you two alright?" She asked, quite worried from McGonagall's words. "Luckily, we arrived on the scene after the conflict happened but the portrait who guards our dorm was torn and herself was hiding with Lyra's Portrait. I won't say much more than that, I don't think they want that." Harry said. Ginny brought them over to the sofa and they spoke further on the subject but Harry and Hermione managed to avoid the subject of whom did the deed. Crookshanks sat quietly on Hermione's lap. They soon relaxed near the fire with Ginny, students of Gryffindor looking at the trio oddly.


"what a surprise,"

"it's the hybrid duo."

"Harry Potter,"

"and Hermione Granger."

Ginny puffed her cheeks. "Hey Fred, George." The two hybrids looked at the pair of twins. The Weasley Twins are just much infamous for their pranks as much as Peeves is. The red headed devils laugh.


"little sister."

Harry-Varian smiled at the girl's reaction to her brothers. He wished he had siblings.


"what brings you"

"into the Gryffindor Common Room."

Harry-Varian replies "A quarrel of some sort happened to befall on our portrait that guards our dormitory." Hermione nodded. "So McGonagall wanted us to remain here until our dorm was either deemed safe or Dumbledore gives an alternate." They chuckled and before anyone noticed, all five were talking away about the year.

It was strange for the two hybrids. They've never let so many people in one year into their lives like this. They let each other in during first year, then Ginny is second. Originally, they planned to only let Luna in this year. Varian didn't count Blaise...he had to let him in anyway. He, as well as Estella, were counting those who were unnecessary but important to them.

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