A New Year

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Harry woke up in the Granger's lovely home. They allowed him to stay the last two weeks of summer considering it would be a great time for Hermione and him to review with each other and Hermione was bugging them about it. They were appalled by how he was being treated at home, the poor boy was starving. Mrs. Granger made sure he got plenty of food his first night there, made sure he ate all of it. Harry appreciated Mrs. Granger for her kindness. The following week Hermione and Harry went over some basic rules of Hogwarts and so forth. They were far more excited for this year's letter and just two days ago, which was very odd to them since last year they got it earlier, and they cringed at DADA. That was so many books...well they can at least have some light reading.

(That's light reading?! Are you muggle computers?!)

Harry and Hermione got ready for the wondrous and busy street of Diagon Ally, the only place for them to receive the supplies. "Alright, and we have to stop at Gringotts for Harry, correct?" The two nodded. It was weird driving in the car to Harry. Most of his life he literally ran to school instead of any transportation. He was surprised he was never caught by muggle men. He usually stayed home before Hogwarts, never seeing anyone but his relatives and those invited by his relatives which usually was more relatives or Dudley's friends. It was always comfy in cars. There was an odd occurrence of this house elf, however...

"Wait, a house elf? Who do you belong to?" The house elf began getting nervous. Dobby didn't think he'd ask him where he came from. "The Malfoys."
Harry began to glare, wasn't Malfoy that kid who he met while getting fitted for robes? "Well, Dobby, do they know you're here?" Harry asked him. "No Mr. Harry Potter sir." Harry leaned on his hand and said to the house elf "If you further prevent my communication to my friends or attempt stopping me from going to school, I will write a firmly written letter to your master, Dobby. Am I clear, Dobby?"

To be quite honest, it was alarming, to say the least. There were bars on Harry's window and he was alone for weeks before Aunt Petunia took pity and allowed him to spend the two weeks with the Grangers. Harry did have the key with him as it was with the letter. As they came to the Leaky Cauldron they walked to the lovely wall. They did the taps and began their walk into Gringotts. The two parents remembered last time they were here they had to do a transfer of muggle money to Wizard money and set an account for Hermione. Harry showed the key to the goblin and soon it was in the wheeled vehicle they went. It was easy and quick getting the money, Harry actually getting more than needed so Harry and Hermione could buy an extra book if there choice and eat on the train.

They left quickly as they could to get started. First place they went was to get robes. They did grow a bit, Harry not as much which was insulting to the boy. Next was the usual, the bookstore. They tried not to get too close to the man who wrote the books they had to read. And use...really he just didn't want to. However, he will admit the man had a charming smile and a sweet hairdo.

Hermione no!
Do not even think about it!
Do you not read the paper?
Yes, I do, why?
The paper knows we're close.
They're here.
And if you're here, who do you think they'll assume is also here?
Oh...but I want him to sign my book!
Don't be fooled by his charms.
Normally a guy like this and the paper likes him means there's something up, and considering he has this many books, and I heard some things on the street, he is likely to not be a good person.
Oh...I guess you're right..and he'd probably do something stupid like saying you're under his wing or something because of what your mother did that the paper gives you credit for.
That's most people, mione. Especially those seeking popularity! Let's just quietly try to get our books.

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