~ Detention For You ~

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It was after home time, Baldi was sat at his desk in the maths classroom marking some exams of the older students. He was perfectly calm until the Principal walked in though the door. He had learned about Baldi spanking the students with a ruler and wasn't too impressed.

B: Hello sir, how are y-

P: Why have you been hitting students?

His serious tone was loud in the quiet room. Arms crossed, feet apart and a stern look displayed his obvious disappointment and anger.

B: ... They kept getting simple answers wro-

P: They are little children of course they get the questions wrong but you cannot hit them, no matter how stupid the answer is or what they do. YOU CANNOT HIT THEM.

The Principal's shouts echoed the room and made Baldi flinch. Sighing loudly, the head of school walked over to Baldi, who had stood up by now, and picked him up putting the math teacher on his shoulder.


P: Detention for you~


The Principal grabbed a ruler of the desk then proceeded to carry Baldi out the room and started to walk to an empty detention room with Baldi kicking and screaming. Eventually, Baldi gave in and they arrived at the detention room. After being put down, Baldi started complaining that he need to finish marking as the Principal locked the door.

Slamming the ruler down on the desk quickly shut Baldi up and made him gulp. Principal had a wide grin on his face as he got closer to Baldi.

P: Pull your pants down and bend over the desk~

B: N-no, leave me alone.

P: Very well then~

Grabbing him, the Principal forced Baldi down onto the desk before spanking him. A small yelp escaped Baldi's mouth as he forced his eyes closed, bracing for the next one. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten strikes came down onto Baldi's ass, making him moan a little.

The Principal started rubbing the ruler on Baldi's bulge, making the man under him moan loudly then he slowly backed away and sat on a nearby desk. The maths teacher shakily stood up and turned around. Suddenly he realised what the Principal wanted him to do so he walked to him and got on his knees.

Smiling like a horny maniac, Principal undid his pants and let his seven inch erection spring up. Slowly, Baldi took the tip into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it. This made Principal moan and hold Baldi's head down, forcing more into his mouth.

Deep-throating the Principal, made Baldi's member harder, making him whine and moan for attention so made he sucked harder. Moans flowed from the Principal's mouth as he rocked his hips making all of his cock go into Baldi's mouth. After several minutes, the Principal came on Baldi's face.

P: Have you learnt your lesson?~

B: Y-yes

P: Now go home and sort yourself out.

B: What?

P: Your boner

B: No, why you help?

P: Because you've been bad

The Principal did up his pants and left Baldi in the detention room and when back to his office, smiling. Baldi however was very unhappy.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now