Camping by Firelight

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Baldi's P.O.V.

The sky was laced with stars, old wood piled high on the fire, burning an aray of scarlet and amber flames. The trees protected us from the outside world and the lake mirrored the glittering sky. We had a little blue tent, big enough for both of us but not too roomy. Logs were placed by the glowing campfire to welcome people into its warmth and to rest on as the cosy colours died down.

The clearing in the forest is beautiful at night, so romantic and oddly cosy. I was a little tired by now because it took a while to get here, to this tranquil area of land that seemed untouched by human life. I'm glad we came here.

My Prince was sat next to me on the log with the blanket wrapped around us. He brought me here for our anniversary and he has been treating me like a princess since we stepped foot here. He could have taken me out to lunch at some fancy place or taken me to the cinema but my Princy took me camping. Yes, it's not everyone's idea of romance but it's mine.

Prince looked so handsome in the fire light and he looks cute as Hell. His smiling face just made me feel happy and fluffy. He probably thinks that I look adorable up against his shoulder and wrapped up in the blanket. This date has been the best ever, we've had hot chocolate and smores, we've kissed and cuddled and we've been star-gazing. Best date ever.

Then Prince started kissing my forehead. I could spend forever in his arms. I love him so much. He is mine and I am his. I turned to face him, putting a finger on my lip, indicting that I wanted a kiss. He gave me a quick peck and smiled, making me giggle.

P: Baldi

B: Mmm

P: I love you~

B: I love you more~

P: No, you don't.

B: Yes, yes I do. I love you more than anything else~

P: Prove it~

No-one's P.O.V.

Prince was obviously in a very fluffy and flirty mood and Baldi just played along. Sitting in Prince's lap, Baldi gave him a long, passionate kiss with his arms snaked around Prince's neck. The kiss didn't last too long but it was long enough. Baldi was satisfied but Prince wasn't.

P: I need more proof~

B: Really?

P: I still love you more~

B: No you don't

P: I'll prove it~

Prince was feeling very flirty as if the campfire was in him. He slowly grabbed Baldi's hips and moved them up till Baldi was flat against Prince. Baldi was blushing and complaining a little but Prince just started kissing his partner. This kiss was hot and deep compared with the last, Prince kept rubbing under Baldi's jumper and licking his bottom lip.

Baldi knew what Prince was after and he let Prince have it.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now