I'm Not Sick

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Prince POV:

Over the last week, the children have been telling me that Baldi has been coughing and sneezing alot and that he looks really tired. I need to talk to him about things. I'm starting to get worried and I think I'll give Baldi the rest of the week off after all it is Thursday. If I can find him, that is.

He isn't in the staff room and he's not in the maths office or his classroom. Now I am worried. He's not on lunch duty today and doesn't eat in the canteen. Where is...

???: Achoo! *coughing*

Found him.

Baldi's P.O.V. :

This cold won't go away. Achoo *sniffles*. N-no, I'm not sick, it's fine it's just the weather. I had been getting photo copies for my next class. Slowly, I walked forward and turned, but Prince was there so I accidentally bashed into him, blushing and I dropped all the copies on the floor. Prince helped me pick them up and handed them back to me.

B: Sorry, *sniff* Prince.

P: It's okay

B: Do you *sniff* need me?

Prince's mind: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

P: Baldi, I wanted to speak with you and ask if you want some time-

B: No no, I'm *coughs* fine.

P: Baldi, the children have been telling me you have been coughing and sneezing all week long. If you need some time off work, you can ask.

B: No, I'm ok. I'm *sniff* not sick.

P: Baldi.

B: *clears throat* I'm not sick, it's fine.

P: ....

No-one P.O.V.

The look on Prince's face was disappointed, he wanted Baldi to look after himself better. This wasn't the first time that Baldi pretended to be fine when he wasn't. Baldi's nose was red, his eyes were red and he kept sneezing and coughing. Prince wasn't having any of it and hugged the maths teacher in front of him.

After some time, Baldi hugged back, resting his head on Prince's shoulder and blushing a dark red. It made Baldi feel warm and happier. When the two pulled away, Prince held his head against Baldi's head to check his temperature, before cupping Baldi's face in his hands and forcing to look at him in the eyes.

P: You should go home and stay off tomorrow. I don't like seeing you like this. You've done this before and it gets worse every time. I will call for a supply to cover your classes. Please take better care of yourself.

B: O-okay *sniff*

The Next Day

Baldi P.O.V.

It's ten o'clock now, I should be at work. I always feel guilty taking time off work, the class doesn't pay attention to a supply, my top-set aren't challenged, my lower-sets don't the right help they need and its a Friday. God! I feel worse than before now.

I was watching tv when someone knocked on my door. Eventually, I got up from my mountain of blankets and answered the door, expecting the postman or a Jehovah's Witness, but Prince was there with flowers and some letters. I let him in and moved my stuff out of the way so he could actually sit on the sofa.

P: How are you feeling now?

B: Better but I'm not sick.

P: Yes. Well your form made you some get well soon cards. So I brought them for you.

B: Um... Thank you.

All the cards were so sweet. One had a cute little poem, the boys decorated theirs like maths equipment, one drew a little me, one was very short and to the point, one was punny, they were all amazing and just made me feel happy.

Prince stayed a little while longer before he had to go. I didn't want him to go. He made me feel better and he brought me the cards, he worried about me. He makes me feel important and special. He wants me to be okay.

I want to thank him properly so I kissed him quickly to try to not get him sick too. He stared a bit, blushing. I shouldn't have done that. Oh no-

B: Thankyou for being worried about m-

He kissed me and I fell back which made the kiss hotter than it should have been. Prince stopped eventually and smiled, hugging me close and trying to kiss me again.

B: Stop it. You'll get sick.

P: Aha, confession. You are sick, you just said so.

Finally, Prince stopped and we said goodbye with another kiss and he left. Leaving me completely fangirling and reading my cards over and over again.

Prince's P.O.V.

I'm glad he's feeling better. Wait.... I kissed Baldi. Holy hell, he kissed...I kissed. Well, that was one way to tell him.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now