~In the Morning~

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Baldi had moved into Prince's house late last year, it was much better than the little apartment he had in the city centre and he could wake up with the love of his life every morning so it was a win win. Morning had broken as the sun peaked over the horizon to welcome the new day. Prince had just woken up and was spooning Baldi, who was still sleeping quietly.

However, Prince realised that he was hard and having his arm under Baldi meant he was trapped and couldn't do anything. At this point, Baldi still hadn't woken up so Prince gradually started pressing his erection against Baldi's butt. Moaning slightly, Prince began grinding against his partner in an attempt to wake him up along with nibbling his ear and whispering sweet little things to Baldi like "Baby, it's time to wake up~" and "I love you so much, baby~". Eventually, Baldi began to groan and shuffle underneath Prince, waking up a little and yawning.

"Prince- What do you want? Is it time for breakfast?" Baldi asked sweetly. What Baldi got was a very flirtatious response of:


Suddenly, Baldi understood what was happening. He noticed the erection in his pajamas, he noticed the bulge on his butt and he noticed the hands seductively rubbing his v-line. Baldi knew what his Prince wanted. Looking at the alarm clock, Baldi groaned and pushed Prince.

"It's too early for sex, go back to sleep!" Baldi turned around to face his boyfriend and kissed his nose before closing his eyes again. Prince was a little upset by the rejection but accepted the response from Baldi. Well he kinda did. To a degree. He didn't really but left Baldi alone. For a bit.

Prince waited until it was seven in the morning, which was about three minutes later, before sneaking under the covers. Baldi began moaning as Prince started sucking on his dick, rolling his tongue around Baldi's tip. Slightly annoyed, Baldi pushed Prince's head down so he would take more into his mouth, shocking Prince and causing him to gag and pull off. Baldi pulled the covers away to find a very guilty boyfriend looking up at him.

"You've been very naughty ~" Prince shivered at Baldi's tone and licked Baldi's cock which was still up and out of his pants. Flinching a little, Baldi sat up, pulling Prince up and into his lap. The couple began kissing softly then the kiss got faster and hotter and more passionate and harder until Prince broke away to breathe. A bridge of saliva connecting their lips. Slowly, Baldi took his shirt off and took Prince's top off too. Blushing dark grey (idk), Prince let Baldi roam his body with his hands and kissing his neck roughly, trying to leave hickeys.

"Stop ahh~ l-leaving marks~" Prince whined.
"Princey, I'm a teacher it's second nature to mark things~" Baldi smiled before laying Prince down on the bed whilst Prince frowned in disappointment. That didn't last long. The principal was soon moaning very loudly as Baldi had started fingering him and sucking in one of his nipples. This drove Prince insane, he loved Baldi's touch.

Finally, Baldi grabbed some lube and put it on his dick, watching Prince drool at the sight. The teacher started rubbing his cock against Prince's entrance, teasing him a bit before pushing it in very slowly as to not hurt his partner. Once fully in, the two kissed almost desperately as Baldi began to move, pulling out and shoving back in. Grunting, Baldi began thrusting faster and go deeper into Prince's ass.

The room got hotter and the couple got sweatier and slower. Baldi began to become sloppy but kept going deeper until Prince started screaming in pleasure as Baldi hit his prostate repeatedly. Prince began to clutch at Baldi's back causing large red scratches to form.

"Baldi ~ Don't stop~". Arching his back, Prince came onto Baldi's stomach and groaned loudly. Prince started to relax before Baldi quickly escalated into him.

" Mmm~ you're quite lucky I didn't punish you more~" Baldi moaned and he kissed Prince lightly, pulling out to get up out of bed. Unfortunately, Prince didn't want to get up.

"Babe come on get up." The only response was a groaning principle.

"I love you too much~"

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now