~Faculty Room~

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The schoolhouse had a faculty room with a couple of old sofas, a broken coffee machine and a small mini fridge which no one ever used. Kinda like the school library. Staff members barely used it as each department had it's own office with functioning equipment.

So it was sunny evening in May, all the children were gone and the teachers were packing away their things. The eldest students had finished their GCSE exams (British exams) and where home for the holidays. However, not everyone was happy.

Baldi had signed up to be an examiner for another school. A school that was....well pretty bad compared to the school house. Plus, the schoolhouse wasn't exactly like Harvard either. The deadline for the papers was ok, if the writing was legible and the answers were clear.

So, you can probably see the maths teacher hunched over and rubbing the bridge of his nose, wearing only his white shirt and black pants as he strains to see the algebra papers. Baldi was tired and stressed out. Eventually, he slumped over the table he was working at, nearly crying from the stress of marking 90 maths papers for the next week.

Right as Baldi began to lie on the desk, the Principal walked in to the faculty room. He knew Baldi was marking in there so he came to check on him. When Prince got Baldi's attention, his heart almost shattered. Baldi wiped his eyes and smiled at Prince, asking if his boss needed anything.

This was unacceptable for Prince as he stormed over to Baldi, pulled him up, wrapped his arms around him and kissed his stressed out lover. Welcomingly, Baldi accepted and kissed back, hooking his hands around Prince's neck.

"Would you like me to help you out, sweetheart ?"

Timidly, Baldi replied no and sighed loudly whilst hugging Prince tightly.

"How about I help you de-stress then ?"

Baldi looked a little confused before realising what Prince meant and agreed, moving some of the papers out of the way. Slightly impatient, Prince began rubbing Baldi's crotch before sneaking his hand down there.

A small gasp was released before Baldi removed Prince's hand with much pouting on Prince's part. Baldi sat on the table, holding out his arms and beckoning his partner over. Once the two embraced, there was a lot of grinding on each other and the sounds of grunts and moans could just about be heard outside the door.

Eventually, Prince stepped back and undid his pants as Baldi looked on and took off his own trousers. Sitting back on the table, Baldi wrapped his legs around Prince's hips, pulling him closer.

"When did you last stretch?"

"This morning," Baldi replied sheepishly.

Slowly, Prince pushed himself in and held onto Baldi's legs as Baldi gasped and moaned as more and more of Princy's cock filled him. Gradually, small little thrusts turned into faster but gentle ones. Sweat built up and the heat shared between them was getting hotter.

Prince let Baldi clamp onto his back, causing red scratches all over it which he doesn't normally let Baldi do. He knew it would help him calm down and de-stress. After what felt like several blissful hours, Baldi came with Prince pulling out and cuming on Baldi's shirt.

"Better?" Panted the Principal


A short clean up and a few flirty one-liners later, Baldi had packed up the exam papers and put his green jumper back on and Prince was ready to take his darling maths teacher home.


Requested by : fnafbiggestfan

Thanks for your suggestion and I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry if this was more of a fluffy smut than you wanted.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now