Valentines Day - Date Night

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Prince was stood in front of the mirror, cursing as he tried to unsuccessfully do up his tie. He promised Baldi that he would be at the restaurant for half past six and he didn't think that Baldi would forgive him if he was late - again. So, he hurried to get the tie done. Eventually, he had done it...sort of however he couldn't stay much longer as he was already running late. Quickly, he grabbed the present for Baldi, ran out the door and jumped into his car.

Baldi was already waiting at the restaurant when Prince arrived.
"You're late! This is the second time!" Baldi whined "You promised you would be here on time."
"Sorry, Baldi, I got tied up."
"I can tell, here let me fix it," he continued as he fixed Prince's tie "I've been here for ages waiting for you. "
"Sorry about that, Baldi... You look great by the way. Umm... I bought you a present." Prince shyly handed the gift to Baldi as he blushed a bit before kissing Baldi apologetically. After rolling his eyes and accepting the gift, Baldi held Prince's hand as they walked through the front door and got seated at a table. The romantic atmosphere made their dinner even more enjoyable. Light conversation was made as soft music played in the background.

When the meal was finished, Baldi got up and paid, accidentally leaving his present on his seat. Thankfully, Prince noticed it and gave it back to Baldi, teasing him about his forgetfulness as they left to go to the bar down the street. Once they were outside, they watched the sunset behind the buildings as the light faded.
"Prince, could we go back to mine instead? I have beer and snacks-" Baldi whispered. The Principal sighed but smiled in agreement, he knew Baldi wasn't fond of bars plus he didn't mind staying at Baldi's place.

Slowly, the couple drove back to Baldi's to engage in beer drinking, romance movies and cuddles. Arriving at the house, they got out the car and headed inside where Prince collapsed onto the couch and pulled Baldi onto him. By the time the movie started, they had surrounded themselves with snacks, chocolates, blankets and a side order of beer. The movie played as the two cuddled and drank.
"Why don't you open your present now, Baldi?" Baldi had a puzzled look on his face but went to get the present. Prince finished his beer as he heard Baldi laugh before the box was thrown at his face.
"Worth it. " Prince laughed as Baldi came back brandishing a cushion.

Turns out Baldi didn't think mathematical lingerie was a good Valentines Day gift.

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Let me know if anyone wants more valentines day stories for Baldi and Prince. Thanks for Reading.

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