~ Sex Ed ~

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In the morning on Fridays, the principal holds a staff meeting with all the teachers to discuss detentions, certain students and changes the board of education have enforced for the school system. He was talking about the new school curriculum as Baldi stood at the back of the Principal's office, smiling. After the meeting, all the staff left except Baldi.

P: Something wrong Baldi ?

B: Yes, there is one part of the curriculum you didn't mention.

P: I'm pretty sure I didn't.

B: You missed sex ed.

The principal went bright red, he didn't particularly like this subject, let alone talking about it with Baldi. Prince shuffled and looked down at a couple sheets on his desk as Baldi sneaked behind him and got close to his ear.

P: T-that will be covered in science and religious studies. So nothing to do with you.

B: Oh really?

This scared Prince, making him stand up and knock the chair over before facing Baldi and backing up against the desk. Baldi just smiled and moved forward causing Prince sit on the desk. Breathing heavily, Prince waited for Baldi to do something. Baldi got close to his ear again and put his hands on Prince's hips.

B: You have til after school to revise for your test, Princey~

And with that he left, leaving Prince a blushing red mess, dying on the inside. Prince recovered after half an hour and the bell rang for school.


The final bell rang as the principal got up and collected his things. Children walked quickly down the halls buzzing like bees. He was happy for the weekend but had forgotten about his 'test'. So, he unknowingly walked to Baldi's classroom to say goodbye but he wasn't going to leave just yet.

He entered Classroom 99 and say hello to Baldi, who knew straight away that Prince had forgotten about what was going to happen. So Baldi got up and walked over to the slightly shorter male, who was a little confused. Baldi pined Prince to the door and locked it, smiling as one hand holds Prince's hip.

B: Ready for your test~?

Suddenly, the Principal remembered everything that happened and blushed a dark red. Baldi chuckled and held on to Prince's waist, moving closer and licking his lips. Their faces were millimetres apart. Baldi started kissing Prince, slowly winning dominance as Prince who melted with emotion.

B: Now, what am I doing?

P: Kis-sing

B: And what does that do?

P: A-arouse people

Baldi bit on Prince's bottom lip, making him moan and open his mouth up, giving Baldi all the dominance he could ask for. Slowly, Prince's member started getting bigger and his trousers felt tighter. Smirking, Baldi moved down to Prince's neck and started sucking small hickeys.

B: What is that mark?

P: A-a hickey-y

Prince felt hands slide down to his bulge and massage it, making him moan and grip Baldi's shoulders. He needed more so he ground against Baldi's hand which in turn made Baldi pull away. Baldi stopped sucking and stepped back, leaving Prince shaking against the door, the sight amused him.

P: P-please, I n-need it, Baldi p-please.

Baldi smiled and stepped back to Prince and kissed him lightly. He undid Prince's belt and pulled them down to the floor with his boxers. This left Prince rock-hard and very embarrassed. Baldi grabbed his dick and started stroking it, making Prince moan and hold on to Baldi's arms, throwing his head back.

Baldi searched for the sweet spot on the principal's neck. After finding it, Prince let out a rather feminine moan which aroused Baldi and made him suck several large hickeys in that area. His hand went faster and squeezed it a little harder. A river of feminine, submissive moans flowed out of Prince's mouth. His cock was covered in his clear precum and twitching in pleasure.

B: What is this?

P: M-my precum ahh~

B: What am I giving you?

P: A-a ah~ h-h-hand job

Eventually, Prince came on Baldi's hand and threw his head back. Baldi kissed him passionately whilst undoing his own trousers as Prince was drowning in pleasure and moaning loudly.

B: Get on your knees.

Prince slowly got down and started rubbing on Baldi's cock with his face, moaning whilst he awaited orders.

B: What is this?

P: Y-your cock

B: If you suck it, what's that called?

P: A b-blow job

B: Good, now start sucking

Prince quickly obeyed and took as much of Baldi's length as he could, which made the submissive man moan and send vibrations up Baldi's dick. He held on to Baldi's hips as he bobbed his head and licked all over Baldi's cock. Baldi grabbed Prince's head and bit his lip, enjoying the movements Prince made with his tongue.

Eventually, Baldi told him to stop and to go over to the desk and bend over it. Prince was so horny and desperate, he did as he was told and waited impatiently for Baldi to fuck him. Baldi slowly made his way over to his needy Prince and got behind him. He teased Prince by slowly rubbing his dick between the principal's ass, making both of the men moan.

B: Now, final question. What happens next?

P: Y-you f-fuck me really hard and really deep

B: Correct

Suddenly, Baldi thrusted his dick into Prince, making him scream in pleasure and beg Baldi to fuck him senseless. The classroom was filled with moans and endless begging as the two fucked away, getting closer and closer to release. Prince came first, who spilled all over the desk, when Baldi came filling up Prince. Baldi pulled out and help clean up the mess, hugging and kissing his partner.

B: Well done, you all the questions right. You've passed your test.

Prince just laughed and put his clothes back on before the two left for the weekend as the traumatized Mr Sweep ran away.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now