Why, Baldi, Why?

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Behind Baldi, the Principal was pacing back and forth as Baldi sat in a chair. The office was quiet, all the children had gone home so there was no noise outside in the halls. The Principal was annoyed and Baldi was, what seemed, emotionless. Neither sadness, anxiety or anger showed on his face.

P: How many times do I have to say this? You cannot hit the children! Why, Baldi, why do you do it? It's wrong and it doesn't discipline them. You have to stop-

He stopped talking as he hears sniffles and looks at Baldi. The maths teacher was shaking and holding the bottom of his jumper. Baldi was crying. His toughened exterior fell exposing his softer inside. Prince walked in front of him and sat on his knees.

P: Baldi, what happened?


P: Baldi, please tell me what's wrong?

B: W-well *gulp*

~ Flashback ~

Baldi was sat on his bed, trembling and crying. The shouting downstairs scared him. His parents were fighting again and he knew, full well, it was safer to stay away. They would fight alot, especially when his dad was drunk. Loud shouts and banging terrified the little boy.

Suddenly, his father came pounding up the stairs with his mother screaming behind him. Baldi hid under his blankets and held his breath. His bedroom door was broken down and his dad pulled him out of bed, shouting slurred insults at the poor boy.

His mum tried to stop the drunken man, to just to fail and be knocked down. She was crying on the floor as Baldi's father started hitting him. Apparently, Baldi's recent bad grades had angered him so he decided to punish Baldi. Unfortunately, Baldi was used to to this treatment. Punishment for bad grades, for failure, for disrespect, for incorrect answers.

~Back to Normal~

Baldi shuddered at the memory with tears streaming down his face. Prince sat there in shock before holding the teacher's hands and put his forehead against Baldi's to calm him down. Slowly, the two stood up and hugged tightly with Prince rubbing circles into Baldi's back.

The principal backed away and cupped Baldi's face and wiped away the tears, smiling before lightly kissing him. This left the teacher blushing with hands clapped over his mouth causing the principal to laugh and move them out of the way. The pair kissed again and hugged for what seemed like hours.

P: Promise to stop

B: I promise

P: Lets go home, you can stay at mine

B: Sounds good

With that the two men left holding hands with Baldi hugging Prince's arm. A burden had been lifted off Baldi's shoulders. And he was happy once again.

Baldi x Principal: Smuts and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now