Dialogue Prompt Request #2 (Nathan Drake x Reader)

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#2- ("You'reInsane!" "I know! Isn't it great?") 

You stared at the man in front of you in absolute astonishment, "No! Absolutely not... that is a terrible idea, Nate."

Nate just stared right back at you, "Y/N, Chloe needs our help we have no idea what Lazarević or even Flynn might do to her."

He was right of course but there had to be a better way to go about this... one that would give his odds of survival a fighting chance. You sighed, "Nate, I know you're absolutely right but you can't expect to just walk through that train yard and not find some sort of trouble. Seriously this place is harboring a small militia and it's just the two of us."

Nate gave you his signature grin that you wanted to smack right off his face, "Come on the two of us can move mountains... Lazarević's men don't stand a chance."

You sighed but conceded because there really was no arguing with him when he got one of these ideas in his head. You ran your hand through your hair, "Okay fine. So what's the plan?"

Clearly pleased with himself Nate smiled, "Well I'm going to make my way down there and sneak onto the train and grab Chloe. You need to stay safe and out of sight and I'll come back for you once I have Chloe."

You huffed at him, "Oh hell no, Nate, that is not going to happen. If you're going to do something stupid then I'm coming with you to make sure you don't get yourself killed."

Nate turned the full force of his gaze on you, "No Y/N, you need to stay safe I already got Chloe mixed up in this and I'm not risking your safety as well."

No that wasn't going to fly with you, "Nate we're all adults who are capable of making our own decisions and what happened to Chloe is not on you. And it's not up to you when it comes to my involvement in all of this... it's my decision to make." You sighed and looked across the train yard and noticed several cars parked off to the side. Bingo! You turned to Nate, "Ok look, while you grab Chloe I'm going to take one of those cars, hotwire it, and meet you at the end of the track."

He looked a little surprised, "How the hell do you know how to hotwire a car?"

You simply quirked an eyebrow and grinned, "Just one of my many talents, Drake. Besides we're going to need a getaway vehicle."

He turned his attention back to the train yard, "Fine, I'll meet you at the end of the tracks. Just be careful, Y/N, please."

You gave his hand a light squeeze and began to sneak away, "Always am... Watch yourself Nate." You stalked off toward the seemingly abandoned cars and hid behind an empty train car as a soldier passed by. You crept up behind him and put him in a chokehold long enough for him to pass out and once he was out you grabbed his weapons. You chose the nearest vehicle and began to fiddle with the now exposed wires. Okay you could do this, you just needed to touch these wires together and... the engine roared to life and you were off.

By the time you had successfully hotwired the car the train had already begun to pull out of the station and you began to panic. You peeled out and drove toward the train but noticed that Drake was standing in the middle of the yard exchanging bullets with some heavily armored brutes. One of them was getting closer and closer to Drake so you made a snap decision. Once you were close enough you jerked the wheel sharply to the left and the car spun hitting the brute harshly sending him flying to the side.

You turned toward Nate and yelled, "Hurry the hell up and get in!"

He nodded quickly and jumped into the car as you peeled out, "Nice driving! Y/N I need you to pull up toward the train so that I can jump on."

What the hell? You were focusing on the road ahead of you as you yelled, "Nate, no! No way in hell, you tried but you need to let this go. We'll beat Lazarević's men and meet Chloe in Tibet but you are not jumping on that train!"

He was already climbing into the back of the car, "Y/N I'm not arguing with you on this one I am getting on that train and I'm doing it now."

You slammed on the gas pedal and pulled up alongside of the train, "Shit! You're Insane!"

Nate threw a smile over his shoulder, "I know! Isn't it great?"

You huffed at him, "Great is not the word that I would use." You looked out in front of you and realized that you were quickly running out of road as you were approaching a cliff. Nervously you called out, "Uh Nate, if you're going to jump you need to do it now!"

Natenodded and launched himself toward the train just before you jerked the wheelto the right and slammed on the brakes; narrowly missing the edge of the cliff.You watched as Nate pulled himself onto the train and quickly disappeared fromsight. You sighed and laid your head on the steering wheel of the car; yousincerely hoped that Nate knew what he was doing.    

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