Dialogue Prompt Request #32 (Nathan Drake x Reader)

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#32 ("I was just kind of hoping that you'dy'know... fall in love with Me.") 

At this point your ears were ringing with the sound of multiple gunshots; thankfully none of them had actually found their mark. You nearly had to retract that statement as another bullet flew right by your head. You weren't sure why but whenever you traveled with Nate it was pretty much guaranteed that you would get shot at. Speaking of Nate, you turned to your left, "Hey, Nate... how's it hanging?"

Nate was in fact hanging upside down from a tree somewhere in Italy, the two of you had to abandon your plane via parachutes but Nate managed to get caught in a tree. Right now he was desperately sawing at the parachute's cords, he gave a sarcastic laugh, "Ha ha ha, that was real cute, Y/N." He must have finally gotten through that cord because he landed unceremoniously, with a thud, right beside you. You couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, as he rolled into a position of cover with a groan, "Oh shut up..."

You managed to calm down a bit, enough to return to the firefight you were unwillingly a part of, "Sorry, Nate but I couldn't help it. Who are these guys and why are they trying to kill us?"

Nate gave you a nonchalant gesture, "It's a long story but the last time I was in Italy I may have pissed the wrong people off. I had no idea that they would remember me or my plane!"

You laughed, "Yeah I think they're still angry. What did you do to them?"

Nate sighed and continued to exchange gun shots, "Honestly, I don't remember I just wish their memories were just as bad."

It took a little while but eventually the firefight subsided and you and Nate emerged unscathed. On the bright side your attackers left behind their car so at the very least you didn't have to walk. About an hour of driving and chatting about the good ole days later and you were in the gorgeous Italian Countryside. The sun was just starting to set, when you turned to Nate, "So where are we headed?"

Nate laughed, "Honestly, at this point, civilization is my goal."

You nodded, "So, could we maybe pullover for a bit? We're in the middle of the Italy's gorgeous countryside and the sun is setting. I kind just want to soak it up."

Nate gave you sly smile, "Yeah I think I can manage that..." Nate pulled the car over and you hopped out; you found and old wooden fence and leaned against it as you basked in the remaining sunlight. Nate walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder content to watch the sunset with you in comfortable silence.

There was something that had been bugging you so you turned to Nate, "By the way, why did you take me with you? You said you were researching leads that you had but you could have easily gotten Sully to join you."

Nate smirked, "We've known each other for a while and besides I've taken you on plenty of adventures."

You chuckled at him, "Okay but your last three adventures were all for 'Research' but we haven't really researched anything; we're basically sightseeing."

Nate began rubbing the back of his neck, "Okay well you're always saying that you wished you could go to Italy."

It suddenly dawned on you, "Is that why we went to Spain and France because you remembered that I've always wanted to visit them?"

Nate just groaned, "You're always going on about how you wanted to see the world but most of my adventures become dangerous. We had a perfect example about an hour ago. This is just a safer way of helping you accomplish that desire." Nate started pacing back and forth, "Y/N, I don't have a lot to offer but this was something that I could actually do that made you happy. Damn it, I don't know... I was just kind of hoping that you'd y'know... fall in love with me."

God, you had been waiting a long time just to hear him say that, "Nate, you didn't have to go through all this trouble. I didn't need these little adventures because I'm already in love with you."

It was Nate's turn to smile, "Really? I love you, Y/N. I have for quite some time."

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