Not Without You (Rafe Adler x Reader)

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Purple: Sophisticated, Mysterious, Dramatic, or Creative

Delphinium: Boldness

Black: Seriousness, Elegance, Power, or Death

Aloe: Healing, Protection, Affection

(Yellow) Pansy: I Cannot Live Without You

Sometimes you couldn't fathom how you continued to get roped into attending these stuffy and utterly dull galas. You always had to squeeze into the most uncomfortable gowns and ridiculous heels just to be corralled around by each and every business mogul in the room. It was the same routine each time, make polite small talk and smile kindly; feign interest in what your conversational partner was saying and respond when it was called for. Sometimes your jaw would ache at the end of the night from the sheer force required to sustain the façade of your sickeningly sweet upturned frown.

To be fair the man that was trying to capture your attention wasn't too dreadful; he was young, handsome, and somewhat charming in his own way. You were certain that under vastly different circumstances he could have been someone that you could grow to like and perhaps even fall in love with. However, you were already hung up on someone that you could only dream would feel the same way. Even though the thought caused your heart to flutter you knew that it would never come to pass; but that was the hand that you were dealt when you fell in love with your best friend. You tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on your current situation but it was difficult to say the least.

You constantly asked yourself why you put up with these dreadful parties and social events but you knew the answer; the answer was Raphael Adler. Almost on cue, a sturdy arm wrapped itself around your waist and offered you a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. You took the glass with an easy and genuine smile, "Thank you, Rafe."

Rafe's grip on your waist tightened marginally as he gave the man you were talking to a menacing glance, "Y/N, I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." The man that you had been passively carrying out a conversation with visibly shrank back when Rafe appeared; he quietly muttered an apology before skittering away, tail tucked firmly between his legs. Rafe chuckled darkly, "Was it something I said?"

You turned and playfully punched his arm; if anyone else had tried what you had just done they would most likely no longer be within the land of the living. However, you and Rafe had been friends since your college years and that often allowed you to see sides of Rafe's personality that he rarely showed anyone else. Rafe dramatically rubbed the spot that you had lightly hit and you chuckled, "You scared him off! We were having the most delightful conversation about hedge funds..."

Rafe genuinely laughed and you enjoyed the sound, "Forgive me then, Y/N... I had no idea that economics and business were considered to be the languages of love."

You theatrically fanned yourself and sighed, "You'd be surprised... there's just something about discussing third party investors that makes a girl weak in the knees."

You were certain that the people around you were discreetly staring at the two of you because of the raucous laughter being exchanged between you and Rafe; but you couldn't find it within yourself to care. Rafe's laughter began to quiet and he gave you the oddest look that almost looked as if it held a hint of affection. He smiled warmly at you, "So are you ready to leave? It's getting late and I have a plane to catch in the morning."

Uncharted Drabbles (Reader x Various Characters)Where stories live. Discover now