Dialogue Prompt Request #26 (Nathan Drake x Reader)

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#26 ("I'll be with him/her for better or forworse." "It'll probably be for worse." "I knew that the day I methim/her.") 

 You began drumming your fingers on the dashboard of the van, growing more and more anxious by the second. Where the hell were they? Suddenly, a hand placed itself over yours halting your movement, "Please... Can you give it a rest for just a moment? Honestly, you're making me nervous."

You sighed and removed your hands from the dashboard, "I'm sorry, Chloe... It's just they should have been here by now and we still haven't gotten any word from them."

Chloe gripped the steering wheel, "I get it, Y/N... But let's be honest on the long list of stupid things the boys have done this isn't that bad... However, I'm sure they'll find a way to outdo themselves."

You laughed, "Yeah you're probably right..."

Before you could say anything else you heard Charlie's voice coming through the radio, "Look alive, bright eyes, they're headed your way."

Chloe slowly put the van in drive, "Show time..." Sure enough a sleek black car drove through the quiet alleyway with Chloe discretely tailing them. The car pulled up to a seemingly random building and disappeared through a green door.

It took about another twenty minutes for the boys to show up but you were relieved to see that they were all relatively in one piece. Chloe was the first one to hop out of the car, "Good evening, lads."

Charlie approached and clapped his hands together, "Alright so which door is Scary Poppins behind?"

You and Chloe walked around to the back of the van, you opened the doors and began passing out the handguns you had stored in the back. You nodded toward the empty road, "The green one, they drove in about twenty minutes ago but it's been quiet ever since."

Charlie nodded in understanding, "Alright let's go."

You noticed that Nate was being unusually quiet, "What's wrong, Nate? You're never this quiet..."

He huffed, "It's nothing but Charlie was just a little enthusiastic back at the bar."

You noticed the light beginnings of a bruise near his jaw and forehead; you walked over and ran your hand tentatively along his jaw. He placed his hand on top of yours and rubbed gentle circles on the back of your hand, "Charlie did this?" Nate simply nodded and you gave a mock wince, "He always did a have a mean left hook... Nice job, Charlie."

Nate groaned, "Hey c'mon, whose side are you on?" You simply laughed and gave Charlie a high five as you passed him. You all made your way over to the door that Marlowe's car disappeared behind but there was no way to open the door from your end. Nate eventually climbed in through an open window and let the rest of you in but to everyone's surprise the building was completely empty; no sign of Marlowe's car.

Charlie turned to you and Chloe, "Are you sure they came through this door? Could they have gone through another door?"

Chloe was adamant, "No that's impossible we never took our eyes off of them. It was definitely this door."

You all wandered around the empty garage but you felt the ground underneath your feet shift; you looked down and realized that you were standing on some sort of mechanism. You called over your shoulder, "Hey Nate, come take a look at this."

He appeared over your shoulder and examined the mechanisms, "Huh, would you look at that, four mechanisms one for each wheel. Guys I need you to each stand on one of those mechanisms." With all four mechanisms covered nothing happened, at least not until Drake directed his flashlight onto the wall which caused some of the bricks to move. Drake turned to Sully, "Sully, shine your flashlight on the wall, like headlights."

Sure enough when both lights hit the wall the brick wall began to move and revealed a secret passage that seriously gave you a bad feeling. Who exactly were these people? Why in the hell do they have underground passageways? Chloe opted to stay with the car to ensure a quick getaway when the time came. You however decided to go with Nate, Charlie, and Sully; you were incredibly curious and eager to find out more about this lot.

The whole set up was incredibly creepy but you had come this far and you couldn't go back now. The four of you came to a rather steep drop so Drake made the drop rather agilely before motioning for the rest of you to follow. You jumped down but Drake caught you before your feet hit the ground, you smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "Why thank you... who says chivalry is dead?"

Drake smiled and gave your hips a firm squeeze, "Anytime, Y/N." Everyone continued on but it seemed that this old cavern was filled with obstacles because the next door that you came to had a broken counterweight. Drake ended up climbing up to the counterweight to help weigh it down so you could all pass underneath the door. Drake climbed over the top and dropped to the other side and you gave him a mischievous smirk. He smiled back, "What?"

You continued to smirk, "Oh nothing, it's just nice to see you in action. It's kinda hot..."

He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, "Really?" Before your little exchange could go any further Charlie and Sully cleared their throats uncomfortably so you continued down the passageway. Finally you all made it into a rather ornate chamber filled with hundreds of artifacts but Marlowe and Talbot were also present so you opted to duck behind a pillar and listen to their conversation. It took them long enough but Marlowe finally deduced that the ring she was given was a fake and she even managed to piece together Charlie's involvement.

Marlowe disappeared from the room leaving only two of her men whom were both easily dispatched with the element of surprise. Nate was finally able to get what he had waited decades to obtain along with a map from Francis Drake's ship the Golden Hind. Just as Nate grabbed the map you were ambushed by a swarm of Marlowe's men; the four of you managed to make it out of the underground caves but Marlowe's men were hot on your trail. Chloe pulled up right beside you and ordered you all to get in; Nate scrambled in behind you but as you were exchanging gunfire with Marlowe's men they managed to get a shot in. You gave a startled yelp as a bullet pierced your upper arm, "Shit! We need to get out of here Chloe!"

Nate was by your side in an instant, "Jesus! Y/N are you alright? Let me see your arm."

You grimaced but complied, letting Nate wrap your arm up with a piece of cloth, "Yeah I'm fine, let's just get out of here."

About an hour later the five of you were back in your safe house unwinding; your arm was quickly stitched up and bandaged properly. Nate was sitting on the couch staring at the map he picked up, Charlie and Sully were sitting at a table exchanging stories, and you were sitting by the windowsill staring out over London. Chloe walked over to you holding two glasses, she passed one to you and sat across from you, "Here drink up..."

You took the glass gratefully and smiled, "Ah Bourbon... just what the doctor ordered."

Chloe gave a soft chuckle, "You'd be surprised Bourbon can pretty much cure whatever it is that ails you; provided you drink enough of it." You chuckled and took a sip letting the alcohol burn as it slid down your throat. Chloe gave you a pensive look and spoke softly, "You know Y/N I don't know why you stay with him sometimes... You don't deserve this kind of life that entails being shot at and always watching your back."

You sighed and twirled your glass letting the liquor slosh around, "A part of me agrees with you but there is also a big part of me that knows I'll be with him for better or for worse. No matter the obstacle."

Chloe seemed to ponder that for a moment before she smirked, "It'll probably be for worse..."

You smiled and looked over at Nate, before downing the rest of your drink, "I knew that the day I met him."

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