Inked (Sam Drake x F! Reader)

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AN: Hey Guys! I back with a little one-shot drabble that is actually a part two continuation of that short one-shot I did a while back; called Tattoo. The response for the first part was incredibly positive across the board, not just on Tumblr, and I had a lot of people asking for a part two. Originally I was going to hold off on writing this until I re-opened requests but I guess I have insomnia to blame for this... I was on Pinterest looking at this tattoo design that I wanted to get on my own body and I happened across some Celtic tattoo designs. So I'll be honest I have no idea what kind of tattoo this particular character would actually get but the meaning behind this tattoo I saw just kinda seemed to fit (maybe or maybe it was a silly idea) . Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this little drabble and I hope you don't mind me squeezing it in between requests!

Tonight was the first night in a long time that you had bothered to actually get dressed up and put real effort into your appearance. And somehow you had still managed to end the evening in a huge firefight. The beautiful blue gown that you had slipped into earlier this evening was now frayed and covered in dirt. You needed to put your fashion woes to bed for the moment because there was a far more pressing issue at hand; that pressing issue being the dozens of bullets flying past your head. You were currently loading your gun when Nathan came crashing in through a window directly in front of you.

He groaned and rolled into cover before uttering, "This is not how I pictured this evening going..."

You laughed, "Really? Because this is exactly how I pictured this evening going." The look that Nathan shot you told you he was currently unamused by your antics; you merely grinned back before returning fire. You saw a guard on the upper floor who was trying to get the drop on Sam but you weren't about to let that happen.

With a well-placed shot the guard fell forward and Sam took note, "Nice sot, Y/N!"

You smiled to yourself before calling out, "I'm more than just a pretty face."

There was a series of gunshots before Sam's cheeky response, "You'll hear no argument from me, doll."

Nate's disgruntled voice called out, "Guys, focus! All of the flirting was cute before but now you're just making me nauseous."

You and Sam both chuckled, "Sorry, little brother." With the three of you working together the ballroom was cleared in a matter of moments and you were all pushing through to the courtyard. You only needed to keep the guards at bay until Sully arrived with your getaway car; you did your best to stay low and avoid the guards' gunfire. However, Sam was running right beside you shielding you from the oncoming barrage of bullets. You jumped into the car after Nathan and Sam was right behind you; the guards didn't bother giving chase once Sully hauled out of the Rossi Estate.

Once you figured out that you would be headed to Scotland in the morning, you excused yourself from the group and went back to your room. Sully was a true gentleman booking you your own room, so that you could have some privacy. You jumped at the chance to take a shower and put on your incredibly comfortable pajamas; you had just finished drying your hair when you heard a knock on your door.

You walked over and looked through the peephole before opening the door, "Sam, is something wrong?"

Sam was standing there still in his tux, well he had forgone the bow tie but he was still wearing his dress shirt, jacket, and slacks. He nodded sharply, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. You ran out of there so fast that I didn't really get a chance to talk to you."

You smiled lightly, "I'm fine, Sam. It was just an eventful evening and I needed to unwind. Besides, it's off to Scotland in the morning."

Sam genuinely smiled and it made your heart flutter, "Thanks for doing this, Y/N. Coming with us... with me, I mean."

Uncharted Drabbles (Reader x Various Characters)Where stories live. Discover now