Dialogue Prompt Request #48 (Nathan Drake x Reader)

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#48 "Just the thought of having to live withoutyou is enough to bring me to my knees." 

AN: I know that in previous requests for this series I've always made the reader fearless and ready to dive head first into adventure. So this time around I thought I would explore a reader that isn't as brave or sure of themselves in these adventure/life and death situations. There is also going to be a death scene that the reader will react poorly to; it won't be graphic but I thought I should offer the warning. I hope you all enjoy it.

You told yourself that you would look back on this memory and laugh at how crazy it all was; you thought you would be able to look back and marvel at how adventurous it all had been. Truthfully, in this very moment you had no idea if you would make it out of this alive. You knew that this would be dangerous but one look into his pleading eyes and you instantly caved into the idea of going through with this adventure. Normally you preferred to have you nose buried in a book about folklore or historical expeditions; you loved the endless knowledge that came with these seemingly forgotten adventures in history.

Your hunger for knowledge and natural curiosity is possibly what caused you to cross paths with Nathan Drake. You had quite literally known him for what was now over a decade. You had met while you and your family were visiting Columbia; you had separated from your family and chose to check out a local exhibit on Sir Francis Drake. You were a young kid basically pressing your nose against the glass of each display; it earned you quite a few displeased glances from security but you couldn't care less. You were pulled from your borderline obsessive ruminations when you literally collided into a young boy of the same age.

He was running from security and neither of you were paying attention so you ended up smacking into each other; in a tangle of clumsy and slightly awkward limbs. Needless to say, security practically dragged you two out by your ears and dumped you out onto the streets. The two of you got chatting and became friends almost instantly. You saw Nathan the very next day sneaking around the streets of Columbia so you decided to follow him. And that is basically the story of how you met Nathan Drake and inadvertently helped him steal one of his first artifacts.

Unfortunately, you were kids so you two lost contact and you didn't meet again for several years; when you were in college to be exact. You were in a public library doing research for one of your many history papers when you accidentally reached for the same book as someone else. When you looked up to apologize you were met with a set of very familiar pair of eyes; a happy reunion followed and the two of you managed to reconnect after years of being apart.

After about twelve years of friendship, Drake had finally convinced you to join him on one of his expeditions; under the pretense that you needed to actually experience some of the adventure that you so greedily studied. To say that you were nervous would be the understatement of the century but you trusted Nate and pushed all thoughts of impending danger out of your mind. You had followed Drake to South America and the first signs of hostility should have raised alarms in your mind but you pushed the thought down in a weak attempt to be brave. Your heart rate began to pick up when Nate handed you a gun for protection and assured you that it was just for precautionary measures.

You never in a million years would have believed that you would actually need to use the gun but you were cornered by a few men that were poised to take your lives. Nate had ushered you to safety and had engaged them on his own but one of the men had him overpowered. Nate was attempting to wrestle a knife out of the larger man's hand but the knife was being inched closer and closer to his throat. You needed to act quickly; there was no way that you were going to let Nate die here.

You ran out from cover and got as close to them as you dared; yours hands were trembling almost too hard to keep the gun steady. You took a deep breath and lined up the barrel of the gun toward the man's head. Before either of you could really register what was happening you pulled the trigger and he slumped forward on top of Nate. Now your hands were shaking uncontrollably and you barely had time to carefully drop your gun before falling to your knees. Hot tears cascaded down your face as you desperately tried to wipe the sticky and warm blood from your hands.

You let out a strangled sob because wiping the blood from your hands only seemed to spread it around further; staining your palms until they became a pale crimson. You felt a hand on your shoulder and the near shock of it sent you scurrying backwards across the dirt floor in a panic. You looked up through blurry eyes to see Nate approaching you with his hands held out in surrender; it was like he was approaching a wounded animal.

He got down on his knees and held his arms out, which you practically flew into; desperate for some sort of comfort, "Shhhh... Y/N, it's okay. You're okay it's over."

You barely recognized your own voice through the harsh sobs, "Oh my god... Nathan I killed him. I just killed someone." You broke away from Nate and started frantically wiping your hands, "Someone is dead because of me..."

Nate pulled you back into his arms for a moment before cradling your face in the palm of his hands. He looked straight into your eyes and continued to soothe you, "It's going to be okay, Y/N. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that... I didn't want that for you. It isn't your fault; it was either him or me and you didn't have a choice."

You nodded slowly and proceeded to sob into his shoulder as he ran a hand through your hair. It took a while but you eventually calmed down enough to speak again. You pulled back and shook your head, "Nate, I... I can't do this." You motioned to the jungle around you, "I'm not cut out for this type of adventure. I'm sorry."

He shushed you again, "Y/N, don't apologize. I realized something when I was fighting those men. One of us could have ended up dead. And...just the thought of having to live without you is enough to bring me to my knees."

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