Chapter 7

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Marco had finally drifted off into a fitful sleep when he was woken by the sounds of people outside the dungeon door. He was terrified for a moment- he couldn't remember where he was or why he couldn't see anything, and for a horrible second he was scared he was blind- but then it all came back to him and he sighed and pushed himself to his feet. He used the walls to guide himself to the doors and pressed an ear against them. Outside, he could hear Toffee.

"No! For the last time, I want this done quickly. We don't know when someone's going to come and try to get him out."

"But no one would find him, Sir," that was Bull Frog. "Even if the Butterfly girl did manage to get inside the castle, she'd never find him, let alone get him out. Especially without her wand."

"That's true," Toffee said, sounding as though he was considering the matter. "I suppose we don't need to rush. But I still want it done. The wand is secure?"

"Oh, yes, very secure, don't you worry. We placed it in the magical force field, just as you instructed."

"Good. The last thing we need is for it to explode."

Marco's eyes widened.

"But... I want it done now. Send someone down."

"Who do you want, Sir?"

"I don't care. Whoever can get the job done fast."

Marco heard Toffee marching away and the buzz of Bull Fly following him.
He shrank back against the wall, sliding down it and putting his head in his hands. So... This was it. Toffee was sending someone to kill him.

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