Chapter 32

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After breakfast, Mr and Mrs Diaz were once again at their son's bedside. The medicals were checking his vitals- his life support appeared to be less necessary that morning.

"I think we're making some progress," Doctor Tina said happily, and Mrs and Mr Diaz beamed at each other and closed their hands together.

"He is improving?" Mr Diaz asked.

"Yes- he is stronger. Look- his skin is more like the usual colour," said Tina, and she was quite right: Marco's skin has been much darker than usual, but it was a little lighter today, and looked healthier- warmer.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Cried Mrs Diaz. "He's going to make it. I can feel it!"

"Now now, Mrs Diaz, let's lot get our hopes up," Doctor Tina said. She had seen this before; a small improvement and everyone is relieved, then if the patient doesn't make it... it's all the more difficult. "We're not out of the woods yet."

Star and Tom entered the hospital.

"Star!" Mr and Mrs Diaz got up to hug her.

"He's doing better," Mr Diaz grinned. "He's improving, Star!"

"That's wonderful!" Star cried, joy warming her whole body. She wasn't too surprised, as Toffee had gone now, but it was still a terrifying time and no one knew when or if Marco would ever recover fully.

"That's such good news," Tom said, but there was an edge to his voice. He knew that even though Toffee was gone, Marco had some demon in his blood now.

"Let's give Star a moment with Marco," Mrs Diaz said. "It's been just as hard for her as for us."

"Thank you," said Star.

As soon as they had left, Star turned to Tina.

"Would it be okay if you gave us a minute alone with him, too?"

"Oh, sure honey," she said sympathetically, and left them.

The moment they were alone, Star said to Tom,

"Listen, I need to do something that I know will make Marco better, but you're not going to like it."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, you know how Toffee said it was my magic in Marco that was stopping him getting better?"


"Remember how we get rid of Toffee's magic? We fed some of him to Marco. Now I've got to do the same with me."

"What? No way," Tom said firmly.

"This ain't your decision Tom, it's mine. I'll do whatever it takes to get Marco back," Star said earnestly.

"Well- then, you should at least tell your parents. They've got a right to know what you're going to do."

"Are you crazy? There's no way my parents would let me go through with this."

"Why? What actually is 'this'?"

Star took a deep breath.

"I don't know what I exactly have to do, but it's got to be done now. No more waiting."

"Star- I... I don't think this is such a good idea," Tom said anxiously.

"Why not?" Star asked angrily. "Don't you think Marco is worthy of it?"

"No- it's just-" Tom looked nervous and sheepish, but then he blurted out something he had been thinking for so long and that he was ashamed of: "he's just a human!"

"Just a human?" Star repeated, firing up. "So what?"

"So- they're vulnerable- they die so easily-"

"Don't you think I know that?!" Star cried, furious. "Don't you think I'm aware of how Marco could die every single day?! He could! He very nearly has, quite a few times! But if there's one thing I know more than anything in the world, it's that Marco would sacrifice himself for me without a hesitation. You really think I'm not going to do exactly the same?"

Tom scowled.
"You wouldn't do that for me," he muttered.

"What was that?" Star demanded. "You really think this is the time to be bitter, Tom?"

Tom glared at her.

"You can't do this," he growled.

"Try and stop me," Star said coldly and firmly.

"I'm going to tell your parents," Tom said. "It isn't fair. Marco would die anyway soon enough- it's what humans do. Why go to so much risk yourself? You're going to be queen one day. Don't you think it's a little selfish to put yourself in danger for a mere human?"

"Oh, just piss off Tom! It's not up to you!" Star snapped. "This is MY decision. I'm going to save him. So just get out!"

"Fine!" Tom yelled, anger painting his face. "But I'm telling your parents!"

"Don't you bloody dare!!" Star screamed, but he was already turning to leave.

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